I’m just starting a local chapter of the Christian Bowhunter’s organization in Mason County. We’re calling ourselves Lake Michigan Broadhead Brethren. I can’t tell you how excited I am to witness to folks who are lost. I feel called by God our Father to reach out and share the Truth with people who are not yet saved, and have yet to know and experience the Grace of God. Through a very personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I have been called to serve. Bow hunting is an activity which provides me a unique avenue to reach people. I don’t have all the answers, and am in no way a self proclaimed Bible slapper or preacher. I’m actually unsure of where this will lead other than to a closer relationship with our Maker. Through prayer and asking God for his will to be done through me, I’ve been granted a piece of land, an opportunity, some unique physical attributes, and an answer to my prayers. This opportunity hasn’t just fallen into my lap. It’s been provided by God. For the first time in my life I’ve been digging deeper into the Bible, reading scripture, and becoming a better leader, Husband and Father. To do these things and to feel the way I feel, then to be met with the judgement of some folks, disdains me and causes me genuine alarm. There needs to be more love, hope and peace. I am a simple soldier of God. I will not put myself above others in thinking I have all the answers and the clout to judge others. I’ll leave that to God. I would like others who claim Christianity to do the same.
I’m not judging you for your beliefs. I’m sure Vegan Life is very healthy, sustains you, and provides you your own unique opportunities. I believe you no less a Christian based on what you eat. The degree of Christian will be left to God and I believe, has much more depth and breadth than by what we consume alone.
I’m not asking you to judge me, nor am I seeking answers to questions. I just ask all people who claim Christianity as their individual Faith to be more open minded and that through reading scripture (not interpreting as one wishes) and listening to God’s calling we can spread hope, peace, love and God’s grace.
Additionally, and I recognize this isn’t you, but I’ve been reading about folks who claim to be Vegan’s who actually believe hunters to be doing the work of the devil. This breaks my heart. It breaks my heart to think that through my above described experiences, I’d be serving evil and the devil. This type of radical gives all of us, hunter’s and vegans a bad name. I’m admitting that often hunters can unfairly judge the Vegan Lifestyle also.
Anyway, thanks for writing back. I appreciate folks like you who are willing to express themselves in the purpose of getting more personal with God and leading others in that direction.
In Christ,