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25 March 2009
Is animal experimentation necessary for humans, and is it ethical to go on?
FLH: The answer to both parts of the question is a resounding, NO
How long have you been working for the group?
FLH: Mary and I founded The Mary T and Frank L Hoffman Family Foundation in 1997.
1. How many people do you think they are aware of animal experimentation? (%)
FLH: We believe that almost everyone is aware of the fact that animals are experimented up, but fewer people are aware of the unbelievable pain and suffering involved.
2. Can you give me some examples of animal experimentation?
FLH: The best way is to see the examples on our web site: and in particular the sections on cats, dogs, mice and rats, monkeys, and rabbits; and the entire web site of
3. I have heard animal experimentation costs huge amount of money, how much money the U.S. spend for animal experimentation every year?
FLH: We know that the cost is in the billions of dollars, but we don�t know the exact cost.
4. How can researchers get all those animals for their tests?
FLH: Mostly, the animals are bred for the laboratories. Some of the monkeys come from the wild, and many dogs and cats come from pounds as unwanted pets.
5. Do you think researchers use inhumane methods on animals?
FLH: Absolutely! All you have to do is look at the photos and videos.
6. Are there more companies that participate in �stop animal experimentation� now than before?
FLH: We know that there are more animals being used, but don�t believe that are many more facilities. There are about 1,100 such facilities in the USA, many of which are connected to a university.
7. Most of tests hurt animals in many ways, don�t they?
FLH: Yes they do, such as when they test toxic substances in the eyes of rabbits.
8. I have heard that there are alternatives to animal experimentation; can you tell me what kinds of alternatives are available?
FLH: One of most successful methods is cell testing, and there would be a lot more if the alternative method research was properly funded.
9. If there are alternatives to animal experimentation, why doesn�t government stop animal experimentation?
FLH: The animal testing people have a good lobby, and they don�t want to lose the billions of dollars in funding.
10. There are many groups that are supporting �stop animal experimentation�, right?
FLH: Yes there are.
11. What can we do to help animals� rights?
FLH: Make the public aware of the atrocities committed upon animals, and encourage them to speak out and demand an end to all forms of animal exploitation.
12. Is there any law that controls the system of animal experimentation in the U.S?
FLH: Yes there is, The Animal Welfare ACT, but it is not properly enforced, and this Act excludes most of the animals (birds, mice, and rats.)
See Our Readers' Comments:
Comments by Bina - 15 Apr 2009
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 15 Apr 2009Go on to: Comments by Bina - 15 Apr 2009
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