An Entertainment Abuses Article from

Scrambling for Solutions: Ethical Choices for Easter Eggs

March 2024

Easter embodies hope and new beginnings; except, that is, for the billions of lives whose exploitation is the basis of an increasingly popular and thoroughly unsustainable seasonal celebration… The continuous laying of eggs by chickens, unlike most other birds, is a result of selective breeding and genetic manipulation, representing a cruel tinkering with their bodies and reproductive systems.

dyed egg
Modified image depicting a hen in a battery cage, sourced from an Andrew Skowron photograph.

For many, painting, hiding, and finding eggs are family traditions soaked in childhood memories, a celebration of life's triumphs and the promise of brighter days ahead. Innocent and fashionable activities popularized by international media. However, beneath the surface of painted eggs and joyful hunts lies the harsh reality of layer hens' suffering. There is no renewal or rebirth for them. Rather, and as we have shown time and again, their existence under the egg industry is one of perpetual confinement, pain, and premature death; a life of unimaginable hardships deprived of basic freedoms, and subjected to relentless exploitation.

The Story Behind Egg Coloring and Its Ethical Implications

The practice of coloring and decorating eggs has a rich and diverse history that spans centuries and cultures. It is believed to have originated from ancient pagan rituals celebrating the arrival of spring and the resurgence of life in nature. Eggs, as symbols of fertility and transformation, were often adorned with vibrant colors and intricate designs, marking the transition from winter's dormancy to spring's vibrancy.

Easter, as a religious celebration rooted in Christianity, further contributed to the tradition of egg coloring and decorating. During Lent, practicing followers of the belief abstained from certain foods, including eggs. This practice resulted in a surplus of eggs accumulating by Easter, providing the practical basis for the tradition of decorating eggs as a symbol of new life and hope during Easter celebrations. However, it's important to note that the abundance of eggs during this time is not a natural occurrence but rather a consequence of human intervention. The continuous laying of eggs by chickens, unlike most other birds, is a result of selective breeding and genetic manipulation, representing a cruel tinkering with their bodies and reproductive systems.


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Arthur Thiele
Osterpostkarte. Arthur Thiele (1919) zwerg bemalt ostereier.jpg

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