Tams Nicholsons

Faith-Based Veganism Interview with Tams Nicholson and Mariquita Solis on December 2022

FROM Tams Nicholson, Executive Director, All-Creatures.org
April 2022

An important conversation about faith-based veganism between Tams Nicholson and Mariquita Solis.

Vegan Empowerment Coach, Mariquita Solis welcomes her wise friend, Tam Nicholson. They will be discussing how faith-based veganism is growing, how not to feel alone in it, and how to move forward.

Tams Nicholson is the Executive Director of All-Creatures.org of the Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation. She is a compassionate leader with a proven record of success in start-ups and revitalizing organizations, empowering successful volunteer and employee teams, nurturing youth voices, and successful community change strategies. Tams spent a decade in the private sector working in IT, operations management, training, and media, before having a life-changing experience as a volunteer that inspired her to leave the corporate world, return to school and dedicate the rest of her career to help the voiceless. Since then, she has held non-profit leadership roles in disaster services, addiction prevention, and now faith-based veganism with an emphasis on community change and empowerment. Ms. Nicholson has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, was a SURP scholar in educational psychology at the University of Georgia, recognition as a Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities during her undergraduate degree, and most recently graduated from Father Richard Rohr’s Living School, Cohort 2022, at the Center for Action and Contemplation. She has been an ethical vegan for 15 years and is also on the path to become a professed Franciscan in the 3rd Order. She Tams holds many certifications including within the field of disability, instructional technology, and as being an instructor of First Aid and CPR for cats and dogs.

All-Creatures: Founded in 1998, All-Creatures.org was the pioneer in faith-based animal rights and vegan activism and continues leading by inspiring others to always choose empathy and compassion for all living beings.

Vision Statement: All-Creatures.org is a primary go-to organization for people of faith seeking information about animals and religion, providing inspiration and assistance to anyone working against animal exploitation with the goal of a fully vegan world. Mission Statement

We at All-Creatures.org are continually growing a vegan world through our extensive online presence and by creating community that unites compassionate and empathetic humans who honor the dignity of each and every creature so that all beings thrive on a flourishing planet earth.

Here is the PDF that Tams mentions in the interivew:

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