Annual Meeting Minutes
The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
Dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegetarian vegan lifestyle.
The Annual Meeting of The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation is held over
several days in late Spring or early Summer of each year following the filing of
the 990-PF with the Internal Revenue Service, on or before 15 May. The
time frame allows for personal, telephone, and email communication among
Trustees in accordance with the By-Laws. The Dated indicated below is the
date these Minutes were compiled and approved.
- Frank L. Hoffman
- Stephen Kaufman
- Tammy Nicholson
- Betsy Wosko
Trustees Participating:
- Frank L. Hoffman
- Stephen Kaufman
- Tammy Nicholson
- Betsy Wosko
Review of Prior Annual Meeting Minutes:
- Upon motion, properly seconded, the minutes of the previous Annual
Meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously.
Treasurer's Report:
- 2019 Income: $68,081
- 2019 Expenses: $69,982
Professional Fees: $3,375
Internet and Other Expenses: $19,990
Internet Publishing Services: $38,469
Depreciation: $11,297
Occupancy: $5,455
- Travel, Conferences, Meetings: $3,243
Donations: $436
- 2019 Excess Revenue (Capital): $13,018
- Cash in the bank as of 30 June 2020: $4,690
- The Treasurers report was accepted unanimously.
Review of Current Foundation and Web Site Status:
- As reported last year, our web traffic continues to decline; where we
use to have 110,000 unique visitors a day, for the month of June 2020 we had
an average of only 91,000 unique visitors for the entire month. Veda
believes the problem is that we need to update our web site, but we have had
no viable suggestion as to how to do this. Other animal rights’ nonprofits seem to be having a
similar problem.
- We are still hosting about 40 other like-minded organization's web sites.
- Since Mary’s death, 25 August 2018, we have had an open Board seat.
Discussion was held about keeping an eye out for another board member who
has skills which could be of value, such as internet marketing. To date we
have not had any suggestions.
- We now are listed as a non-profit charity by Microsoft.
- Kimberly is only doing "volunteer" work for use of residence.
- Review of Current Year's Budget (1st 6 months of 2020):
- Income from Donations: $28,660
- Expenses: $24,332
Internet and Other Expenses: $9,887 (Includes expenses for setting up and
using Microsoft Azure server)
Internet Publishing Services: $13,650
Debt Service $0.00
Professional Fees: $795
Donations: $0.00
- Contingency and Reserve: $4,328
- Both Income and Expenses are running under half of the proposed
budget, but since Frank Hoffman agreed to fund up to
$84,000.00 to cover operation expenses, no changes were needed.
Old Business:
- There is an open Board position that needs to be filled. Tams
suggested maybe Dr. Milton Mills might be a good possibility to consider
because of his Christian stance.
- Last year we reviewed current independent contractor status and
possible future needs and policies, and there is still a need to discuss
our current status.
New Business:
- Executive Director discussion: At this time, the
current standing executive director role is only volunteering enough to pay
for living at the house by taking care of some social media and some things
on the website. The board engaged in a conversation to consider starting to
search for a new Executive Director whom would take on more roles and help
advance the organization. Someone who would be engaged and could work from
Discussion took place about possibly selling the current ED home or if a new
ED should work from there. Discussion took place about the benefits of
having this person be an independent contractor and how that might work. The
current ED was offered $18k plus the house when hired. Others interviewed
wanted $26K plus housing The board explored ways to possibly search and what
the requirements might look like.
- Proposed Budget for Next year:
- Income from Donations: $85,000.00
- Expenses: $78,000
Internet and Other Expenses: 28,000
Internet Publishing Services: 44,000
Professional Fees: 3,000
Donations: 3,000
- Contingency and Reserve: $7,000
- After discussion, and Frank’s assurance that he would fund up to
$84,000, the proposed budget, upon proper motion, duly seconded, was
approved unanimously.
- We reviewed current independent contractor status and possible future
needs and policies.
- There being no further business, upon motion, duly seconded, the
meeting was adjourned.
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