Annual Meeting Minutes
The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
Dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegetarian vegan lifestyle.
The Annual Meeting of The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation is held over
several days in late Spring or early Summer of each year following the filing of
the 990-PF with the Internal Revenue Service, on or before 15 May. The
time frame allows for personal, telephone, and email communication among
Trustees in accordance with the By-Laws. The Dated indicated below is the
date these Minutes were compiled and approved.
- Frank L. Hoffman
- Stephen Kaufman
- Betsy Wosko
Trustees Participating:
- Frank L. Hoffman
- Stephen Kaufman
- Betsy Wosko
Others Participating:
Review of Prior Annual Meeting Minutes:
- Upon motion, properly seconded, the minutes of the previous Annual
Meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously.
Treasurer's Report:
2021 Budget compared to Actual Expenses
- Income from Donations: $85,000.00 [Actual 70,963]
- Expenses: $78,000 [Actual 93,934...difference of 22,971 came from
budget surplus of 1,958 and the proceeds of property sale]
- of 22,971 came from budget surplus of 1,958 and the proceeds of
property sale]
- Internet and Other Expenses: 28,000 [Actual 20,142]
- Internet Publishing Services: 44,000 [Actual 61,220]
- Professional Fees: 3,000 [Actual 0.00]
- Donations: 3,000 [Actual 1,650.00]
- Contingency and Reserve: $7,000 [Actual 0.00]
- Tammy S. Nicholson came on full time as of 1 Nov 2021.
- The property at 119 Tammy Trail sold for $300,000 as is.
Review of Current Foundation and Web Site Status:
- Our web site traffic (unique visitors) has been increasing slowly and
steady since January 2022.
- We are still hosting about 40 other like-minded organization's web sites.
- Since Mary’s death, 25 August 2018, we have had an open Board seat.
Discussion was held about keeping an eye out for another board member who
has skills which could be of value, such as internet marketing or fund
raising. With Tams' resignation, we now have two open seats. (no change to date)
- We now are certified as a President's Volunteer Service Award
- Kimberly is no longer assoicated with
- Review of Current Year's Budget (As of May 20, 2022): (CASH ONLY)
- Income from Donations: $296
- Expenses: $48,707
- Internet and Other Expenses: $3,481
- Internet Publishing Services and Administration: $43,831
- Debt Service $0.00
- Professional Fees: $1395
- Donations: $0.00
- Contingency and Reserve: $0
- Both Income and Expenses are running under the proposed
budget by approximately $1,000/mo.
Old Business:
- Employee versus Contractor
- Vision and Mission Revisions and Addition of the Preamble (Revisions and
Additions Listed at the bottom Old Business)
- There are two open Board position that needs to be filled. (no
action will be taken until structure is examined and answers are secured)
- Tams Nicholson became our full time Exectutive Director on 1 Nov
- The founder's office moved from NY to WI.
Addition of The Preamble: Founded in 1998, was the pioneer in faith-based animal rights and vegan activism and continues leading by inspiring others to always choose empathy and compassion for all living beings.
New Vision Statement: is a primary go-to organization for people of faith seeking information about animals and religion, providing inspiration and assistance to anyone working against animal exploitation with the goal of a fully vegan world.
New Mission Statement: We at are continually growing a vegan world through our extensive online presence and by creating community that unites compassionate and empathetic humans who honor the dignity of each and every creature so that all beings thrive on a flourishing planet earth.
New Business:
- General Liability Insurance Replacement
- Workman's Comp (Travelers)
- Cyber Security
- Publishing Rights Agreement
- Proposed Budget for Next year [with full time ED]:
- Income from Donations and Sale of Property Proceeds: $137,000
- Expenses: $130,000
- Internet and Other Expenses: $24,000
- Internet Publishing Services: $100,000
- Professional Fees: $3,000
- Donations: $3,000
- Contingency and Reserve: $7,000
- There being no further business, upon motion, duly seconded, the
meetings were adjourned.
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