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Three out of four new or emerging diseases are zoonotic. New strains are discovered regularly.
Avian Flu Spreads to Workers at Chicken Farm in Russia
The chickens arrived on semi trucks, crammed into multi-level cages stacked
on top of one another. When I was an undercover investigator, I worked out
on the loading docks for a few days, helping undo the straps holding the
cages down. Forklifts would then lift each cage, bring it to a funnel above
a conveyor belt, and unceremoniously dump the birds out hundreds at a time.
The belts fed into the live hang room, where I worked most days. The birds
piled up on the belt, two or three birds on top of one another, forming a
gigantic, wriggling mass. The workers thrust their hands into this mass,
feeling ideally for a leg to grab onto. Most weren’t picky and would grab a
wing or neck just as readily. Once in hand, the chicken’s legs would be
jammed into shackles passing above the belt. Our goal was shackling 24 birds
a minute.
At the time, I thought mainly about the pain the birds must be going
through, as well as the pain in my back and my own swollen hands, knuckles
inflamed from holding the bony legs of thousands of birds a day.
Years later and now caught in the grip of a pandemic caused by a disease
that spread from animals to humans, known as a zoonotic disease, my mind is
on something else. I saw these birds piled together just before slaughter.
Yet they were kept in similar conditions their whole lives. It is standard
practice to pack tens of thousands of stressed, unhealthy birds together in
a single barn. I think of how easy it would be for diseases to spread
amongst a captive population like that. If any of those diseases were a
danger to humans, we could be in for the same kind of trouble we’re
experiencing now.
We already know of diseases that come from some of the most commonly farmed
animals. Avian flu, salmonella, swine flu, mad cow disease and others easily
spread at factory farms, where animals are housed in crowded, unsanitary
conditions with little — or sometimes no — veterinary care. For diseases
that can then move to humans, the workers on farms are potential hosts.
These new hosts then step off farms, spreading disease in their communities.
Three out of four new or emerging diseases are zoonotic. New strains are
discovered regularly. Recently, the first case of the H5N8 strain of avian
flu transmission to humans was discovered. Seven workers on a chicken farm
in Russia were infected after an outbreak of the strain among the birds in
December. Though the infected workers suffered no negative effects,
researchers also said that flu viruses evolve quickly and the “draconian
measures” would be necessary to stop the strain from spreading.
These measures usually involve the killing of entire flocks. During a
2014-2015 outbreak of bird flu in the U.S., 50 million chickens and turkeys
were either lost to the virus or killed to curb its spread. Our insistence
as a society on exploiting animals for our own use brings us into contact
with zoonotic diseases and leads to the suffering of both humans and
animals. Instead of breeding and killing all of these sentient beings when
diseases eventually threaten, we can avoid these situations entirely by
choosing plant-based meals instead.
Scott David is the Director of Investigations for Animal Outlook and a
former undercover investigator. His investigative work has offered the first
hidden-camera look inside a U.S. lamb slaughterhouse. While undercover at a
Hormel supplier slaughter plant, he captured footage explosing the horrors
of a cruel USDA high-speed slaughter program. Scott’s investigative video
from inside a Mountaire Farms chicken slaughterhouse in North Carolina,
exposing shocking animal abuse, was filmed as a dangerous ag-gag law made
its way through the state legislature — revealing the dangers of this type
of legislation, which is aimed at preventing investigations and
His footage has shed light on the plight of animals in slaughterhouses
across the country, resulting in media coverage including The New York
Times, The Washington Post, The Associated Press,
CNN, and more in the U.S. and internationally.
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