Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
If we want our own bodies to be respected, let’s practice respect (not “respect”) for animals' bodies as well.
Jan Whalen and Bluie the Emu in Everett, Washington
“As amazing as it may sound, many people wonder whether an emu must be
killed to get emu oil.” — UPC Supporter
Emu oil is obtained by slaughtering an emu. There is no other way to get
this oil which is touted by emu exploiters as a virtual cure-all for
whatever ails you (except as a balm for the sin-sick soul which wearing this
oil can only make sicker). Put a glow on your face by smearing slaughtered
emu oil on your nose, lips, and cheeks. Soothe and smooth your body with it.
Just make sure before purchasing those dainty bottles and tubes of this
wondrous “wellness” ointment that it is “sustainably, ethically sourced.”
What does this mean? It means commercial assurance that the emus are/were
“free-range” and "humanely" killed. Oh, and "treated with respect and
affection." Most importantly, it means assurance that the emu was not
slaughtered only for his or her oil, processed from the thick layer of fat
beneath the bird’s skin, a reserve for hard times in the emu’s native
Australia where this fleet-footed, flightless, and gentle nomad evolved 90
million years ago.
“Sustainably, ethically sourced,” means turning 95 percent of the dead bird
into marketable products: “The emu's skin can be used to make leather for
clothing and accessories; the meat, which is lean but high in omega-3 fatty
acids, is a popular protein; there are potential uses for emu feathers; and
the bird's giant black eggs are carved and painted to create unique pieces
of art.”
On March 29, 2021, UPC posted the following letter to a wellness/mindfulness
business at that in 2019 featured an article boasting
the health and beauty benefits of emu oil. We encourage you to contact
[email protected] and politely urge refraining from promoting
slaughtered animal parts as health and beauty aids. When you encounter
promotions of emu oil or other slaughter products, please educate and
advocate for the birds. If we want our own bodies to be respected, let’s
practice respect (not “respect”) for theirs as well.
Thank you.
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