Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Being Fair Means Going Vegan

From Gary Francione,
October 2022

The only way to be fair is not to use animals. That means going vegan. Veganism is also the single most important thing you can do to help nonhuman animals short-term and down the road.

Chicken flock

In a nutshell, vegans don’t use animals for food, clothing, entertainment or other purposes because vegans believe animals matter morally. Veganism is a matter of social justice and it’s something we owe animals. It’s not a form of deprivation or an act of charity.

Going vegan is easy, especially when you focus on how much animals endure for our most trivial interests. A steak or a milkshake is not worth a cow’s life, is it? Of course not! Being fair means going vegan.

tagged Cows

We all want to be fair. What does that mean?

Let’s say you drop some money and someone sees it, picks it up and keeps it. That’s unfair, isn’t it? Using someone is unfair. Hurting a child is unfair. Hurting a dog is unfair, right? Every year, by using animals, we make billions of animals suffer and we take away their lives for the most trivial reasons: taste, fashion, and amusement. Is that fair?

Animals suffer because we use them.

Animals are sentient. They experience the world. They are someones, not somethings. That means animals don’t want to be used by us; they want to live out their lives. They want to avoid pain and experience pleasure, like us. We don’t need to use animals to have good lives. In fact, using animals is often bad for our health. It’s also often bad for nature. Tradition, convenience, and pleasure are not good reasons to use animals. What good reasons do you have to keep using them?

Being fair means going vegan.

If using animals when we don’t have to use them is unfair, using them “just a little,” “humanely,” or “only once in a while” is unfair. Using their bodies, their milk, their hair, their eggs, or their labor is unfair. Using some animals but not others is unfair. The only way to be fair is not to use animals. That means going vegan. Veganism is also the single most important thing you can do to help nonhuman animals short-term and down the road. You can get started today!

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