For most people, the decision to go vegan falls into one of three categories – to minimize animal suffering, improve their health and fitness, or protect the planet. But these reasons are not mutually exclusive and your initial incentive may well have been a combination of all three. People also often find that perhaps they began making the switch to veganism for one reason but then having learnt more about the other benefits, they end up feeling more closely aligned with another. The fact is, these are all great reasons!
I hear you; it’s hard going it alone! You’ve just completed Veganuary, a month-long challenge to eat a plant-based diet and you’re wondering whether you have it in you to continue. Well, of course you do! There’s no need to feel overwhelmed; try to remember why you embarked on the journey in the first place and use that motivation to help keep up the momentum.
It’s a new year, it’s a new you.
For most people, the decision to go vegan falls into one of three categories – to minimize animal suffering, improve their health and fitness, or protect the planet. But these reasons are not mutually exclusive and your initial incentive may well have been a combination of all three. People also often find that perhaps they began making the switch to veganism for one reason but then having learnt more about the other benefits, they end up feeling more closely aligned with another. The fact is, these are all great reasons!
For the animals
Without a doubt, farmed animals are the most abused animals on earth – slaughtered in their billions to satisfy the world’s insatiable desire for meat, dairy, fish and eggs. Cruelty and suffering are endemic across the board; whether grass-fed, free range, organic, or intensively reared.
Although freedom from hunger, thirst, malnutrition, pain, injury, disease, discomfort, fear, and distress, as well as the freedom to express natural behaviours, are all protections enshrined in animal welfare laws in many countries, including the UK, the reality is that none of these freedoms can ever be adequately met in farming systems designed to prioritize profits over welfare.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.
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