Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
I was most impacted by the suffering of animals treated as commodities rather than sentient beings. Gradually, I broke through the deep layers of social conditioning that kept me emotionally disconnected from their plight.
Photo credit: Christopher Carson on Unsplash
I have always tended to be an introvert. I relish solitude. I prefer small
groups to large crowds. I’ve lived a quiet life, not often sharing my views
and opinions publicly.
But 15 years ago, I had an awakening that was so meaningful, compelling, and
life-changing, it has continued to impact me and to make me more fully
human, more fully me. It revealed my deeply held values. And over time, I
came to realize that these values are universal and encompass our physical
health, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and the survival of the planet.
No longer could I keep this to myself as a private revelation. I realized
that I had to find a way to share this life-changing discovery.
My awakening happened in stages. It started with learning about factory
farming and the treatment of animals. I realized I would never want a dog or
cat to go through that suffering. Why was it okay for a pig, cow, or
I read everything I could, filling my Kindle with e-books on vegan topics.
Through my research, I learned about the healing benefits of a plant-based
diet for many diseases that plague Western society. I also learned about the
devastating effects of animal agriculture on the planet.
But I was most impacted by the suffering of animals treated as commodities
rather than sentient beings. Gradually, I broke through the deep layers of
social conditioning that kept me emotionally disconnected from their plight.
Much to my surprise, becoming vegan did not seem like a sacrifice. Rather,
it turned out to be an experience of abundance and fulfillment, transforming
my life in unexpected ways.
1. Veganism Inspired Me to Find My Voice
Veganism connected so many dots for me. I wake with a deep sense of purpose
each day. Through my daily food choices, and my efforts to educate and raise
awareness, I can be part of the solution for many causes that matter deeply
to me: caring for animals and the planet, food insecurity, justice, and
human health. Although I still think of myself as an introvert, my passion
for veganism compels me to discover how I can use my voice and my gifts to
make a difference.
2. Extending Compassion to All Beings
Visit to Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, NY. Photo credit: Angela
Crawford, PhD
I have always viewed myself as an empathic person. However, for years I ate
meat daily, and was seemingly unaware of the animals who suffered as a
result of my choices. When I had my vegan awakening, I became aware of my
connection with all life. I developed a deeper appreciation for the
complexity and beauty of nature and the animal kingdom. Gradually, I
realized that the kindest way of living and eating was also healthiest for
3. Greater Peace
There was a sense of freedom, a weight lifted, when I began living in a way
that was truly aligned with my values. An inner conflict that I had not even
been fully aware of was resolved through the choice to not eat animals. This
brought a sense of peace and inner wholeness.
4. Appreciation and Gratitude
Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash
My world opened to greater abundance and appreciation when I became vegan.
Yes, there is awareness of pain and suffering that is very difficult at
times. But there is also an expanded sense of awe of nature and all life.
There are the delicious vegan meals I’ve learned to create, with vibrant
colors and delectable flavors. And there is appreciation for my body’s
resilience and health, which has been strengthened by my plant-powered
5. Connecting With Like-Hearted People Across the Globe
I have had the amazing experience of connecting with vegans around the
world. Through groups, collaborations, and trainings, I have met courageous
and compassionate people from across the globe.
There are challenges being vegan in a world that is not yet vegan. As
someone who prefers harmony, it has not always been easy to live in a way
that is at odds with the status quo. And yet each time I meet others who
embrace and live by vegan values, I feel inspired and uplifted. And each
time my example inspires someone else to consider the vegan path, it makes
it all worthwhile.
Veganism is a path of listening to our heart’s guidance to extend kindness
to all beings. Through our daily choices, we join others to become a
movement that seeks a world of compassion, sustainability, and flourishing
for all.
Angela Crawford, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in private practice. She is a Main Street Vegan Academy certified Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator and holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at eCornell. Dr. Crawford is currently conducting research for a book on the transformational impact of a plant-powered, vegan lifestyle for mind-body-spirit. She also serves as a Psychology Consultant for WeDidIt.Health, an on-line scoreboard of lives positively impacted by a plant-based diet. She lives with her husband in Vestal, NY.
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