Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
As vegans, we can be monstrously more effective in sharing our thoughts on compassionate, health-promoting, planet-preserving food choices if we do that with an understanding of the other person’s foodstyle.
The foodie creed: “A little of what you fancy does you good.”
I knew the place would have some vegan food: it was too hip not to — sparse and spare with an unpronounceable name: Scen, sometimes in all lower case. “Sen?” “Sken?” “Ahh”–upon reflection: “scen…as in scenery. If I’m cool enough to figure that out, I’m cool enough to go in.”
It turned out to be a Matthew Kenney restaurant and, as such, one-hundred percent vegan. My fellow diners, however, seated like me on concrete benches in the minimalistic space, were not vegan. One trio of men were actually discussing a recent trip to Africa where one of them had hunted big game. These folks would have been just as happy — happier, probably — if adding wild salmon or organic chicken to Scen’s hearty bowls was an option. In chatting with a few of them (those who hadn’t been recently murdering wildlife), I learned that they were not here because this place was vegan, but because it was a hot commodity, a restaurant getting buzz, a good spot for seeing someone with a famous name. Several diners had a secondary interest in eating healthfully, but for the most part, they were here because this place was hip, and Hipster is their foodstyle.
This vegan omelet at NYC’s Organic Grille would warm the heart of a
Regular Joe/Regular Jane who’s going vegan.
Have you ever thought that we all have a foodstyle, a means through which
our dietary decisions support the way we see ourselves and the way we want
others to see us? As vegans, we can be monstrously more effective in sharing
our thoughts on compassionate, health-promoting, planet-preserving food
choices if we do that with an understanding of the other person’s foodstyle.
Let’s lay out those that are prevalent in the United States:
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE (PDF).
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