Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Your Original Self is Vegan

From Renee King-Sonnen
Facebook posting, September 6, 2022

We humans are “being farmed.” Let that sink in. The reason we adamantly defend our rights to eat the bodies of animals is because if we don’t, animal agriculture will collapse. They have their tentacles in every walk of life!

Child and Cow

This child and all children are born vegan! Society in the form of family, religious upbringing, culture, traditions, education systems, the media, governments, etc. are all invested in turning our innocence into carnism. Why? Because animal agriculture owns us.

We, like my good friend Sailesh Rao says, are also “being farmed.” Let that sink in. The reason we adamantly defend our rights to eat the bodies of animals is because if we don’t, animal agriculture will collapse. They have their tentacles in every walk of life!

Many children have emotional breakdowns behind the FFA and 4H school systems because when they are being conditioned to take care of animals they are also being taught that the animal is their ticket to a future—a future in animal ag. The better they care for the animal and groom the animal to be the perfect specimen according to FFA and 4H standards, the more money and prestige they gain. Then after they win the prize money, the trophies, and scholarships they are taught that they must learn to let go and surrender the animal to be slaughtered for food! Their friend becomes pork chops or rib eyes.

Look at the child in this photo! She doesn’t care about the money or position in life this animal can bring her, she is connecting from her vegan center with pure compassion and reverence for life. She, as all children are groomed to normalize violence in order to be accepted in a society that props up and worships animal agriculture.

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