Through knowledge people make connections, and through those connections people make choices. Some of the areas of knowledge that have impacted the farming industry in recent years involve the environment and climate change; food and health; and the rights and wellbeing of both people and animals.
It goes without saying that the world is changing. Farming, possibly,
changes slower than other industries. The animals are the same and so, in
many respects, is the land. The photos my cousin sent me today of lambing on
their hill sheep farm where I worked in the early 80s could have been taken
forty years ago other than the fact that they came instantly via WhatsApp.
Undoubtedly, the biggest change in the last twenty years has been the
explosion of knowledge. Thanks to information technology the answer to
almost any question anyone has ever asked is literally at our fingertips.
Through knowledge people make connections, and through those connections
people make choices. Some of the areas of knowledge that have impacted the
farming industry in recent years involve the environment and climate change;
food and health; and the rights and wellbeing of both people and animals.
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