A Reflection on Animals, Nature and the Human Condition: A One Health For One Earth Manifesto
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From All-Creatures.org
Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans,
animals, and the environment.
Once all rivers ran clear, free and clean and the
pure, sweet air sang through forests and grasslands, long before the
enslavement of man and beast; of genocide, ecocide, the fur trade, the
timber, oil and cattle barons, moguls of mining and industry and the
relentless drive of conquest, colonialism and empire building under
political, economic, religious and military hegemony.

We are part of Nature, our ultimate provider. If we respect and work
together to protect the environment—the land, the waters and the air we
share—as well as all our relations, plant and animal, Nature will not become
our ultimate nemesis.
“In wildness is the preservation of the world.”
— Henry David-Thoreau.
“As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no
peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot
dwell together.”
— Isaac Bashevis Singer.
“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man
will not himself find peace.”
— Albert Schweitzer.
Nature, the natural world as we know it today that has been variously
affected by humans in the recent and distant past, is as much our apotheosis
and nemesis as our provider, teacher, healer and inspirer. This all depends
upon our state of mind; how we perceive, value, relate and treat other
sentient beings, plant and animal and their habitats that comprise our
life-sustaining environment we share and continue to pollute and defile.
American social critic Marya Mannes wrote “The earth we abuse and the living
things we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their
presence we are diminishing our future”.
Once all rivers ran clear, free and clean and the pure, sweet air sang
through forests and grasslands: Food for the human spirit, body and soul as
was all else the good Earth provided, engendering in our ancestors an
abiding sense of thanksgiving, kinship, and reverence for all beings, animal
and plant. That was long before the enslavement of man and beast; of
genocide, ecocide, the fur trade, the timber, oil and cattle barons, moguls
of mining and industry and the relentless drive of conquest, colonialism and
empire building under political, economic, religious and military hegemony.
Once the springs from mountain valleys were pure but now the water is
contaminated from the chemicals in the rain, air and snow the forested
slopes and peaks collect and are no longer neutralized by the microorganisms
and mineral filters in the valley floor because most have been destroyed and
disrupted by human agricultural, mining and other activities ignorant of how
Nature can help us. Our lack of respect for the basic elements of
life—water, soil and air—has adverse consequences world-wide. Declining soil
productivity, air and water quality affect human health and the global
U.S. Government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Authority—supported
scientists announced that the Gulf of Mexico “dead zone”—an area of low to
no oxygen that can kill fish and marine life—reached approximately 6,334
square miles in 2021, equivalent to more than four million acres of habitat
potentially unavailable to fish and bottom species. This is due to the high
load of “nutrients” including agrichemical runoff and sewage in river water
from the U.S. discharging into the Gulf of Mexico which has become America’s
cesspool/sceptic tank.
Dystopias, Dysbiosis and Extinctions
The Death of Nature & Nature's rights: New World War & Order
The Climate Crisis
Ecocide and crimes Against Humanity
Natural Perspectives and Nature Wisdom
Science, Medicine, Truth and Public Policy
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