Veganuary festival is not by any stretch a campaign to address the ethics of veganism, to challenge the brutality and violence that stem from our relentless persecution of the innocent. It’s a marketing campaign with supermarkets and product brand names on board and a lot of people are making a lot of money from it.
The brutal injustice of 4 trillion needless deaths every year and uncounted others persecuted and abused for our indulgence? Not so much as a mention.
as entertainment. Image by photojournalist Andrew Skowron from Delefinarium Nemo – Odessa Ukraine from a series at
Veganism – it’s not a diet
In the month of January, a massive capitalist food festival takes place in
Britain with a breath-taking array of plant-based food items flooding the
shops. They call it ‘Veganuary’. Over the years this extravaganza has
provoked me; not because of the plant-based food selection because let’s be
honest, food fascinates me as much as it does the next person, but because
of the way it’s marketed and promoted. It irks me that all the promotion is
very suggestive of the idea that veganism is a faddy lifestyle requiring
highly processed and costly specialist food items. I’ve been doing this
blogging thing long enough to know exactly how much of a gift that is for
the anti-vegan pro-animal-exploitation lobby who use this false premise to
sow confusion and misinformation at every opportunity.
To get straight to the point I have always considered it to be a deeply
flawed concept, a capitalist food festival that masquerades as ‘vegan’. It’s
not vegan. It’s a plant-based diet promotional campaign. A plant-based diet
is a part of veganism but no way is it even close to the whole story.
Particularly when 4 trillion annual victims are quietly sidelined without a
As a blogger who repeatedly explains why veganism is not a diet, this annual
circus feels like the biggest insult I can imagine, trivialising the ones
who really matter in this whole sorry debacle of human hubris and
entitlement. And before anyone starts to contradict, to tempt potential
participants, the campaign advertising lists a celebrity cookbook, plant
based meal plans, access to a support group, nutrition planners, tips advice
and recipes; every single one targeted at humans, human convenience, human
health. Oh and human celebrity worship, let’s not forget that. The brutal
injustice of 4 trillion needless deaths every year and uncounted others
persecuted and abused for our indulgence? Not so much as a mention.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.
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