Food for ThoughtPsalm 91:14 God's Love
Food for Thought
An Guide to Kingdom Living

Psalm 91:14 New King James Version

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
There is an intimacy here that causes God to move with compassion and commitment.
When we trust God it draws Him toward us.  God is love and He walks within His own attributes of mercy and kindness.  He is so gentle and loving that He would never force anyone to love or obey Him.  He listens to our heart and what it is saying and His actions are in response to our heart’s cry and desire.  Since God is naturally loving and a rescuer and protector then it stands to reason that we are the ones who decide if He enters our domain or not.  
Being devoted to God or loving Him opens us up to His heart and kindness and He gladly enters bringing with Him every blessing and goodness.   It is a natural progression for God to be able to deliver us from harm and protect us when we surrender and allow Him to do so. We are the ones to invite His love into our lives or to reject it with our distrust.
God makes Himself vulnerable to us and even though we continually hurt Him as we choose our own way, He holds no grudge and still beckons us to love and trust Him.  
When we see that we can trust Him we allow His presence to manifest within us and nurture our souls.  This connection gives God access to our deepest parts and manifests His goodness.  It’s like we partner with Him to bless us.

He Himself is the barrier between us and Satan and so when we turn away from God, we are turning to the enemy.  

God searches the heart that loves Him, looking for those whom He can bless.  It is His desire to pour out His blessings and His presence upon us;   We choose whether or not to receive from Him.  

To know God’s name is an intimate knowledge and it is to have honor and respect for Him.  It is by His name that we are saved and healed. It is with His name that demons run.  His name is above all names and delivers us from all evil.   Our intimate knowledge of God’s name is an open door for us and as we learn what His name is about and how powerful it is,  The more we will use it with understanding.
Challenge:   Choose to surrender to the Lord.  Choose to love God above all else and ask God to show you how to do this.
God bless,


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lamb-rightThe purpose of this series is to encourage people to live as loving, compassionate, and peacemaking children of God: Jesus tells us to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10) God tells us through Micah (6:8), "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God." And we know from Revelation 21:4 that there will be no more mourning, or crying, or pain, or death. Thus, Christian living requires us to set the standards of these conditions here on earth for our fellow human beings, and for the other animals, as a witness to the rest of the world. To do otherwise is not Christian.