Wild Flowers of Sleepy Hollow LakeEarly Saxifrage (Saxifraga virginiensis)
Wild Flowers of Sleepy Hollow Lake From All-Creatures.org Art and Photo Journals and Galleries Directory

Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation: Humans - Animals - Environment
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)

Early Saxifrage (Saxifraga virginiensis)
Table of Contents

Saxifrage, Early - 01
(Saxifrage, Early - 01)  Just off the side of the road, we spotted these early saxifrages growing on a rocky outcropping, which is typical of their favorite habitat.  Early saxifrages bloom from March through May.  These flowers were blooming the last week of April.
Saxifrage, Early - 02
(Saxifrage, Early - 02)  The early saxifrage grows to heights of from 4 to 12 inches (10-30 cm.).  These were on the shorter side.  The leaves of the early saxifrage are basal and grow in a rosette around the hairy stem.  The coarsely toothed leaves are wedge-shaped or oval.  There are no leaves on the stems.  The lichen growing on the rocks added character to the photo and interest to our visit.
Saxifrage, Early - 03
(Saxifrage, Early - 03)  In this photo, we have a closer look at some of the 1/4 inch early saxifrage flowers, which grow in a loose panicle.  Each flower has 5 petals, 10 stamens, and 2 pistils.
Saxifrage, Early - 04
(Saxifrage, Early - 04)  This is a bee's eye view of two of the early saxifrage flowers: one is almost fully opened, and the other is just beginning to open.
Saxifrage, Early - 05
(Saxifrage, Early - 05)  This is another close up look at a few of the awakening early saxifrage flowers.
Saxifrage, Early - 06
(Saxifrage, Early - 06)  This early saxifrage has full clusters of flowers.
Saxifrage, Early - 07
(Saxifrage, Early - 07)  This is a cluster of three early saxifrage plants that are growing out of a crack in the rocks.  The botanical name "saxifrage" describes this plant's characteristic habitat: the Latin word for "stone" is "saxum" and the Latin word for "to break" is "fragere."
Saxifrage, Early - 08
(Saxifrage, Early - 08)  In this photo of three early saxifrage plants, we have a closer look at their intertwined rosettes of toothed basal leaves.
Saxifrage, Early - 09
(Saxifrage, Early - 09)  The undersides of the early saxifrage are often purplish in color.  A tint of purple can be seen in some of the leaves.  This plant looks unusual because of what appears to be flower buds growing from the base of the flower stalk, but it is really the beginning growth of another flower stalk.  The downward facing hairs on the stalk are glandular and secrete a sticky substance to entrap insects that try to climb up the stalk to take the nectar; thus, leaving the nectar for the flying insects.
Saxifrage, Early - 10
(Saxifrage, Early - 10)  This is a photo of a typical location where early saxifrage grow.  Note in the upper left of the photo that a single early saxifrage is growing at the base of the rock, and two plants are growing just to the upper right of the cluster of three.
Saxifrage, Early - 11
(Saxifrage, Early - 11)  This early saxifrage looks like it is growing directly out of the rock, but it's really growing from a crack.  In photo #9, we showed a developing flower stalk with only the flower buds showing.  In this photo, we can see these other stalks maturing.
Saxifrage, Early - 12
(Saxifrage, Early - 12) In this photo we have a good look at the early saxifrage branching.
Saxifrage, Early - 12a
(Saxifrage, Early - 12a) This is a closer look at the top branching of an early saxifrage.
Saxifrage, Early - 13
(Saxifrage, Early - 13) This is a closer look at some of the early saxifrage flowers.
Saxifrage, Early - 14
(Saxifrage, Early - 14) This is a small cluster of early saxifrage.
Saxifrage, Early - 15
(Saxifrage, Early - 15) This is a top view of one of the early saxifrage plants.
Saxifrage, Early - 16
(Saxifrage, Early - 16) This is another look at some of the early saxifrage flowers.
Saxifrage, Early - 17
(Saxifrage, Early - 17) More early saxifrage flowers.
Saxifrage, Early - 18
(Saxifrage, Early - 18) This is the kind of habitat in we usually find early saxifrage growing.
Saxifrage, Early - 19
(Saxifrage, Early - 19) In this photo, we can see the rosette of basil leaves of the early saxifrage with newly developing leaves, stems, and flowers.
Saxifrage, Early - 19a
(Saxifrage, Early - 19a) This is a closer look at the early saxifrage's more mature and newly developing basil leaves rosette, stems, and flowers.
Saxifrage, Early - 20
(Saxifrage, Early - 20) These early saxifrage wildflowers are growing from rocky crevices, their favorite habitat.
Saxifrage, Early - 21
(Saxifrage, Early - 21) Another view of early saxifrage growing along the face of a rocky outcropping.
Saxifrage, Early - 22
(Saxifrage, Early - 22) This is another view of the early saxifrage growing out our a crack in the rocks.
Saxifrage, Early - 23
(Saxifrage, Early - 23) This is a closer look at the early saxifrage basal leaves and stems growing out of a crack in the rocks.
Saxifrage, Early - 24
(Saxifrage, Early - 24) This is a closer look at the early saxifrage basal leaves and stems growing out of a crack in the rocks.  In the lower right hand corner of the photo, we cans see some lichen growing on the face of the rock.
Saxifrage, Early - 25
(Saxifrage, Early - 25) This is another look at the early saxifrage wildflower.
Saxifrage, Early - 26
(Saxifrage, Early - 26) We spotted this early saxifrage growing in an unusual place for this wildflower.
Saxifrage, Early - 27
(Saxifrage, Early - 27) This is a top view of the early saxifrage we showed in the previous photo that is growing with the crabgrass and other plants in the crushed stone shoulder of the road.  This is the first time we had seen this wildflower growing along the side of the road.
Saxifrage, Early - 28
(Saxifrage, Early - 28) This is another look at the early saxifrage.
Saxifrage, Early - 29
(Saxifrage, Early - 29) On 24 April 2011 we came upon this patch of Early Saxifrage growing on a rocky ledge.
Saxifrage, Early - 30
(Saxifrage, Early - 30) This is a closer look at some of the early saxifrage growing on the rocky ledge.
Saxifrage, Early - 31
(Saxifrage, Early - 31) This is another look at the early saxifrage growing among the sphagnum moss on the rocky ledge.

| Wild Flowers of SHL: Photo Identification, Common Name, Scientific Name | Art and Photos |

lamb-right lamb-left Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation.  Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither can we have lasting peace without love and compassion.  It is our hope and prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our environment.