Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
To earth I bend an ear While she sings each season's song From her roaring winter winds To birds singing all day long..
I love to hear the whip-o-will Adrift through moonlight's haze The gentle days breeze See the setting sun's blaze...
An earth with golden crown All aglow with autumn hues Summer birds leave your yard The trees their leaves will lose...
The crunch of crusty snow The ice upon the lake The deer tracks that you find On that walk through woods you take...
The many sounds of summer nights The thunder storms that come The sand and spray at beaches And the honey bees that hum...
The wink of tiny fireflies The harvest at season's end The crisp bright blue of autumn skies The cool nights earth winds send...
I love to hear her springtime birds The air is filled with sound The life that is God everywhere Within earth's blue sphere round....
(c) M. Linda Steffey 1990
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