Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet
with us and the people who fight for them.
Little Lamb who hurt thee?
Dost thou know who hurt thee?
Gave thee strife and bid thee bleed;
No hellish dream: a dreadful deed.
Took thy clothing of delight;
Softest clothing, thine by right.
Took thy baby, tender joints;
Making silent vales give voice!
Little Lamb who killed thee?
Dost thou know who killed thee?
Little Lamb I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb I'll tell thee!
He is called by human name;
For he calls himself a man.
He is cruel and he is wild:
In him there is nothing mild.
He a killer, thou a lamb.
Thy life taken, to his shame.
Little Lamb God bless thee.
Little Lamb God bless thee.
Photo of Krishna, rescued lamb, courtesy of
Eden Farmed
Animal Sanctuary]
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