Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet with us and the people who fight for them.
On account of my [most] recent encounter with an idler, when I was accused of ‘not respecting’ their choice……
Eating meat is the conformist diet.
All y’all corpse munchers have made Jack shit for ‘personal choices’ in
terms of what ya shovel into your face hole.
Society made that choice for ya, & ya just keep mindlessly shoveling in what
your elders fed you from infancy.
Isn’t it about goddamn time ya question it?
I should respect what?
Your lack of initiative?
Your lack of compassion?
Your selfishness?
Henceforth we shall all spew the following (outta respect):
While I choose not to fuck the tiny bodies of toddlers, I respect your
choice to….
Erm, wait….that ain’t right….right?
The toddler is another living being!
A choice shouldn’t involve someone else!
What about the toddlers choice to NOT have their tiny bodies fucked?
Ok, ok….
Scratch this one.
Moving forward…
While I choose to not exploit the developmentally disabled, I respect your
choice to….
Woah there, buddy. Well, that don’t cut it either!
The developmentally disabled person is a living being!
Just because they are incapable of grasping many societal concepts, doesn’t
pave way for their exploitation!
What about the developmentally disabled persons rights to be protected from
those that seek to harm them?
Well, toss this one into the shitter, too.
Yet again, moving forward….
While I choose to not support forced labor, I respect your choice to enslave
Well, shit…
This just isn’t my day, is it?
Scratch this one too!
Because, well, duh.
While I choose not to support entering someone’s home & murdering them in
cold blood, I respect your choice….
….while I choose not to support rape & kidnapping, I support your choice
Um, no.
How about…
While I choose not to support the bulldozing of rainforests & destruction of
the ocean, I respect your…
Ah, no. Not happening.
Every argument against veganism is fucking idiotic.
Eating animal corpse parts is not respectable.
Eating animal corpse parts ain’t got anything to do with personal choice.
Eating animal corpse parts violates personal freedoms…of non-humans &
Eating animal corpse parts is destroying the ocean, rainforests,…the planet.
Just idly sitting by & keepin your trap shut about it is an injustice.
Be a voice for those that cannot organize & speak on their own behalf.
And ain’t one fucking ‘meat’ eater deserving of respect…
©Heidi Coon, 2021
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