“Humane” Farming?
By Mary T. Hoffman
An Animal Rights Poem from All-Creatures.org

All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize. This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.

“Humane” Farming?
By Mary T. Hoffman

“Humane” farming? What a scam!
Slaughtered pigs turned into ham,
Calves becoming “humane” veal – 
Doublespeak is here for real!

“Humane” farming? Give me a break!
Cruelty your name is “steak.”
They committed no offense;
For killing them there’s no defense.

“Humane” farming? What a lie!
Causing animals to die
For human gluttony and greed,
When there’s no need for them to breed.

Doublespeak’s become the rule;
Consumer’s taken for a fool.
Evilness is called “humane” – 
Now indeed does Satan reign!

Eggs are stolen from a mother,
Death imposed on any other
Animal that they can sell. 
Shame on all who spawn this hell.

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