I Shall Never
By Anonymous
An Animal Rights Poem from All-Creatures.org

All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize. This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.

I Shall Never
By Anonymous

Escape, I shall never 
From this cage I've been placed in 
I shall never feel the sunshine 
Or the grass beneath my feet 
I shall never lift my wings 
Or protect and feed my young 
I shall never, I shall never 
I shall never voice my song

Be free, I shall never 
From these chains you hold me in 
I shall never taste clean air 
Or in cool shallows swim 
Forever I'll stay up to thigh 
In my own shit and here I'll die 
Before ever voicing my life 
In the form of this song

Free I shall never be 
Nature I shall never see 
Loved I will never feel 
Then I'll die and become a meal

No I shall never, I shall never, voice my song 
And tomorrow from this Earth I will be gone

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I Shall Never Poetry By Anonymous - An All Creatures Animal Rights Poem

I Shall Never
Poetry By Anonymous

From all-creatures.org
Animal Rights Poetry

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I Shall Never
Poetry By Anonymous

Escape, I shall never
From this cage I’ve been placed in
I shall never feel the sunshine
Or the grass beneath my feet
I shall never lift my wings
Or protect and feed my young
I shall never, I shall never
I shall never voice my song

Be free, I shall never
From these chains you hold me in
I shall never taste clean air
Or in cool shallows swim
Forever I’ll stay up to thigh
In my own shit and here I’ll die
Before ever voicing my life
In the form of this song

Free I shall never be
Nature I shall never see
Loved I will never feel
Then I’ll die and become a meal

No I shall never, I shall never, voice my song
And tomorrow from this Earth I will be gone