Ode to the Fur Animals
by Andrew Pell
From all-creatures.org
Animal Rights Poetry

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Ode to the Fur Animals
(Epistle against the Demise of Fur animals Part 2)
by Andrew Pell

Do any of you hear the last Post being played?

Do you view the caskets made of the finest wood all arrayed.

Do you ever have a minute silence for those who gave the supreme all?

Yet the fur animals have answered the call.

These animals are sacrificed in war like conditions so we can feel great.

Yet the sacrifice these animals make doesn�t even rate.

Do we stand in mournful contemplation of their supreme sacrifice?

It is man�s arrogance and greed that wants to throw the dice.

Are the remains of these animals buried in stately splendour?

Do we have a memorial for an unknown fur animal in which to remember?

The answer is no for all these questions and ideas.

All they have is more torture and more fears.

What do we have to offer them for what they have done?

All we can do is turn our head around and in great shame run.

The Fur animals are left with absolutely nothing.

At least the veterans are returned with something.

� Andrew Pell 21/11/07

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