Heidi CoonFrom All-Creatures.org

Animal Rights Poetry and Prose By Heidi Coon

Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet with us and the people who fight for them.

By Heidi Coon

Murderhouses…chop shops...butcher block…

Bolt stunner
Skull crusher
Brain matter
Blood splatter
Chained to a rafter
The belly ripper
The tail cutter
The hide puller
They fill your platter
They don’t matter
It’s meat you’re after
Animal segment dinner

Blood varnishes the steel chute cerise

Flesh separated from head, tail, feet

Mutilated until their heart beats cease

They are dying, piece by piece

But you’re blind

Meat paradox find

Your denial of mind

It’s you I malign

Dying to be eaten

All animals, ‘cept for human
Western Vs eastern tradition
Categorically; to be, or not be, eaten
They all take a beatin
They’re all denied their freedom
Your appetite is the reason
Go vegan 

animal segments

©Heidi Coon, 2020 

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