What They Did
By M. Linda Steffey
An Animal Rights Poem from All-Creatures.org

All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize. This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.

What They Did
By M. Linda Steffey

The wind's silky sigh
Whispers as I die...
Here alone at night..
Shot! A horrid sight!
My babies! Motherless!

So young am I to die!
I ask Great Spirit, "Why?
Whatever was my Sin?
Or those of my kin?

"What did I do so wrong
That I can't live too long?
Can't see my babies grow
They can't ever know....
Their Mother?"....

They shoot, down they fall!
And they don't cry or call
Only Angels hear their pain
In this evil world insane..
They shot my Brother!!...

A hunter shot me down
Left me lying on the ground
He shot my Sister, too!
And that's what Men do...
For "sport"?....

Live targets just for "fun"?
To shoot at with their gun
You cannot fight, you RUN!!
There's no protection...NONE!!
Oh! We don't need their sort!

I heard my Stag was killed
For yet another "thrill"...
His head will mount some wall...
And they'll tell stories tall..
How "brave" they are!!

A tiny Doe was I..
With big bright brown of eye
A gentle, lovely thing
Born just this very Spring...
'Neath shooting Star....

My Life, a pool, I lie
As glazed I shut my eye
I listen to the breeze
And soon the pain will ease
And all is BLACK!!....

I hope one day they'll see
Just what they did to me!
And all my kin now dead...
Antlers on some shed...

(c) M. Linda Steffey 2008

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