Poetry by Patrick N. Kramer

A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Poetry by Patrick N. Kramer
Written 1-24-07

Sadly I say within our world there is much hate.
Hatred and a sadness that is so ever great.
Great is the sadness as hatred has been allowed to grow.
For hatred has grown while our love of God we failed to show.
We failed for years to show our love of God.
Thus it is that evil lives on the trail we plod.

The trail we now walk is one we forged though the years.
A trail filled with sadness and oh so many tears.
Our tears have fallen as many turned their cheek.
Thus it became believed we the Christians are weak.
Yet weak we would not be if to God we did turn.
Strong we would be if it was God’s love we did discern.

For our strength has always been in knowing God above.
Strong are the Christian when they show it is God they love.
For it is with God we know all things can come to be.
That is why we should love him and speak of his divinity.
Speak we should of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Speak we the Christians must so the world will hear it.

Even in this there is no guaranty God’s word the world will hear.
Hear the world may not nor for Christ will all mankind shed a tear.
Still it is worth while of the trio for us to speak.
To help guide others towards the light they seek.
For The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are the light.
And for those who love them along side of them, they will fight.

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