Easter Poem

From all-creatures.org

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By Anonymous

God hath sent His Angels to the earth again,
Bringing joyful tidings to the sons of men.
They who first at Christmas thronged the heavenly way,
Now beside the tomb-door sit on Easter-Day.
Angels, sing His triumph as you sang His birth,
"Christ the Lord is risen, Peace, good will on earth."

In the dreadful desert where the Lord was tried,
There the faithful Angels gathered at His side.
And when in the garden, grief, and pain, and care
Bowed Him down with anguish, they were with Him there.

Yet the Christ they honour is the same Christ still,
Who, in light and darkness did His Father's will.
And the tomb, deserted, shineth like the sky,
Since He passed out from it, into victory.

God has still His Angels helping, at His word,
All His faithful children, like their faithful Lord.
Soothing them in sorrow,
arming them in strife,
Opening wide the tomb-doors,
leading into life.

Father, send Thine angels unto us, we pray;
Leave us not to wander all along our way.
Let them guard and guide us, whereso'er we be,
Till our resurrection brings us home to Thee.