Mary T. HoffmanFrank’s Birthday
Poetry by Mary T. Hoffman
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Frank’s Birthday
Poetry by Mary T. Hoffman

Today’s the day to celebrate
The birthday of my mate who’s great!
Yet how can words alone convey
The joy I feel on this, your day?
You know I love you very much –
No need for showy gifts and such!

We’re blessed to know what we must do
While here on earth, until we’re through
Making this a better place:
To soften hearts of the human race.
God brought us together for this reason:
To help His creatures through every season.

And when our work here is complete,
Hand in hand we’ll go to meet
The Lord Himself and all the souls –
The calves, the mice, the birds, the foals –
All creatures free of stress and fears.
No more cries of pain and tears,
No more cruelty, not a trace
Exists in that eternal place.
No more will Satan’s evil stain
Where Jesus and his kindness reign.

Our final flight, what a sight –
From darkness to eternal light.
The peace for which we daily pray
Will ever more be here to stay.

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