A little white pig
On a cold winter's day
Jumped up on the woodpile
And looked with dismay
Across at the neighbor's
Where he saw such a site
He jumped from the woodpile
And ran out of sight.
Next day he peered over
And it was still there
A little cramped pen
With a piggy in there.
He asked of the piggy
"Why are you locked in?
Have you committed some terrible sin?"
The sad little pig looked up with a sigh
"No I have done nothing
No sinner am I"
"But doesn't your master know you should be free?
In pastures and woodlands and mudholes, like me?"
"My master knows nothing about me I fear,
He got me for Christmas, and only this year
My house has no blanket, nor hay and no door
The cold wind just reaches right down to my core.
I will not live through it, it's simple you see
I have just the one way to get to be free."
The white pig just gasped
And ran for his bed!
Imagine such badness that he prefers dead!
No, No this can't be, the white pig declared
I know that I'm clever and always I've dared.
So I will just free him, Alive, if you please
The little guy only comes up to my knees!
He's too young to die from such careless disdain
I'll save him! I will! He won't stay there in pain!
He searched out the possum who lived in his sty
"We have work to do friend, yes, you friend and I
I'll be the mountain, you climb up on my head
Together we'll free him who thinks he's best dead."
Just use your fingers to open that gate
And I will make sure to leave food on my plate.
The possum agreed and the bargain was made
They slipped up to the pen where the little pig layed.
The deed it was done
The pig he was sprung
And he fled the hated place
With white pig hardly keeping up
He set a joyful pace.
Over the hills and through the woods
And back to the barn for rest
Of all the things he found to love
Hay stacks were the best.
The master was an honest man
And wouldn't steal a pig
But when he saw them cuddled up
He knew he'd work a rig.
He went across the meadow
And asked the neighbor there
If he had lost a pig that day
(As if he'd even care)
The neighbor hadn't looked all day
And it was into night
So master knew he'd had no food
Nor would he'd got a bite.
The neighbor said " I hope the pig
Is run away for good"
The master said he thought he was
"At least I think he should"
And so to end this piggy tale
With happiness and heart
The master kept both pigs for life
And ne'er were they apart.
From Dragonwood Pig Refuge www.9sites.com