Noelene SandersonPoetry By Noelene Sanderson
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touches the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.




The power and tumult of the Sea
are organised;  harmonious  -
yet we, who disregard this force
and use our power in diverse ways,
alter the course Life deals to us!
Picture this world following laws
of Peace and Beauty, with maybe flaws
still lingering on a little time,
but war, eventually, gone!
"See" a world of harmony;
"Image" what we want to see;
picture;  practise it;  we'll find
the image can be brought about;
the dream can live;
the power of mind
is even greater than we thought;
all that we dreamed of,
we can GIVE!

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