Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
All animals deserve love and respect.
They are often treated badly and often neglect.
We kill them for food and sustenance.
We torture them relentlessly in the name of science.
They cry out in pain and their cries ascend to the very throne if God.
Is there not a better way?
Must this torturous and evil practice continue unabated each day?
Can we not live in an environment where humans and animals coexist?
Mutual love and respect would be bliss.
Stop this madness; stop this slaughter, go vegan right now.
God and his angels will show you how.
Love the animals and enrich their lives and your life.
Vegetarianism is a noble way of living.
It is giving life and always forgiving and loving.
© Andrew Pell 1/11/2013
Go on to Love One Another (John 13:34-35)
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Also see our Animal Rights Poetry