Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
“Forgive and forget”, “Love your enemies”, and also, “Do good to all” —
Yes, I’m sure that you’ve heard such said, and for some folk, such is a hard
However, if we want to change this world we're in, there's no other way,
For it’s only love that conquers all — thus, it’s love that should rule the
We cannot change this world by using force, except superficially,
For change must start within each heart — that is, it must first begin with,
Therefore, let's forget legislation, for though such no doubt has its place,
Both force and laws can't change the hearts and minds of this errant human
No, governments cannot change someone's heart, nor Christian politicians,
For both of them can only change things, just subtract or make additions.
Therefore, everyone needs to realize, and try to help each other see
That if we don’t change our ways, we will write our own obituary.
Everybody should lead by example, and never fight fire with fire,
For such behaviour will always backfire — it’s a treacherous quagmire.
So let us turn our backs on warring, and violence of any kind,
For it's time that we stopped acting so selfishly, shamefully and blind.
The title of an early pop song goes, “What the world needs now is love,”
No, not sexual love, and not self love, but unconditional love.
Along with a hatred of cruelty, bigotry and depravity,
Wedded to an active passion for total freedom and liberty.
Yes, every human that's on this earth, and each creature, (land, sea or
Should be treated with great respect, never hurt, nor somehow caused to die.
And neither should revenge ever figure in the lives of you and I,
Along with hatred also — and therefore, self we all should crucify.
Yes, let's all stop this merry-go-round that is currently gaining speed,
For it's high time we slammed the brakes on, as there's a very urgent need.
You see, we’re just heading for disaster, as we're fouling our own nest,
Thus, do I hear a call for change, is such strongly beating in your breast?
Go on to:
Loving The Unlovely
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