Belinda van Rensburg My Everything
Poetry by Belinda van Rensburg A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

My Everything

Lord, You are my everything
my joy, my life, my love
God, to You alone I'll cling
Holy Spirit, gentle Dove.
To You alone do I belong,
To You alone I'll sing this song
Of love and adoration.

Whilst on my knees I offer Thee
my body, spirit, heart and mind;
for You are Worthy, Father God;
You're gentle, true and kind.
All of me I give to Thee -
My future; present; past;
From my first breath until my last.

This then is the song I'll sing:
This love song to My Lord and King.
My Lord Whom I adore -
for ever, evermore
for ever, evermore

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