Andrew PellA Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Table of Contents

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2013 – A Year to Forgive and to Live
2021 will be a better year
A Beautiful Spring day
Abundance Flows when we are at peace with God and ourselves
A business meeting with a difference
A Candle for Hope
A Candle Lit is a Prayer to God
A Careful Calibrated approach
A closed life can be endured but not lived (Anon)
Acquaint Now Thyself with Him
A Day in the Garden of God
A Day of Light
A Day of Miracles, a Day of Enchantment
A day when everything sails along smoothly
A Diamond in the Dust
A Field of Flowers
A Force of Nature
A Fountain full of Peace and Love
A Friend
A Garden of Love
A Gathering of Friends
Accents full of Wonder
Accept a Kiss from a Rose
Acts of Kindness
A Gift as beautiful as a Rose
A Hymn of Praise and Benediction
A Journey Back to the Past
A Journey for Peace
Abide in Faith toward God and Go Forward
Actions have consequences
Aimless heads on Endless walls
All Animals are God’s Special Children
All can be achieved if we truly believe By Andrew Pell
All creation joins as one
All I know is that I love you
All is love and yet all is law
All life is interconnected
All Life Is Sacred
All Living Things Are a Sacrament Divine
All Living things have the face of God
All Saints Day November 1 2015
All That Is Beautiful
All things grow with Love
Always Beautiful, Always Divine
Allow God to enter your heart
Allow time for Love
Allow your heart to be felt by those who love you
Allow Yourself to Fall in Love
Always Give Thanks
A Love That Does Not Falter (2009)
A Love that does not falter (2019)
A Love That Knows No Boundaries
A Magical Autumn Day
A Magical Day, a Fun Day
A new beginning a new day
A Perfect World
A Prayer of Thankfulness and Praise
Amavimus, Amamus, Amabimus
Amid the Roses
Am I Like God Now?
A Moment in Time
An Analytical study of a journey with Christ
An Angel of Light
An Animal's Perspective on Humans
An Evening Meditation
An Honourable Knight (To Sir Trevor Garland KBE, AM)
An Inner Candle flame that never flickers
Angelic Hosts come as mighty coordinates of the Sacred Flame
Animal Cruelty
Animals Give Us So Much
Animals Have Feelings Too
Animal Therapy
An Open Book
Another Day, another Beginning
Another Day, Another Journey
Another week
Another Year
Anything Creative and positive is never wasted
A Perfect Summers Day
A Perfect World
A poem on the hymn “The Day Thou Gavest Lord is ended”
A Prayer for a new day
A Quest for God
A Quiet Heart
Arise O Morning Star
A Rosebush in Blossom
Around the Altar
Arts Literature and Music inspires us to look beyond the mundane to greatness the human spirit can achieve
A Silent World can be a happy World
A Simple Book
A Single Act of Kindness
A Single Flower Can Lift Our Spirits
A Single Rose
A Sinless World
A Smile Costs Nothing
A Soft Wind that Gently Blows
A Soul that Prays is a Soul that is Alive
As Beautiful as a Tree
A Spring Time Rose
A Time of Grace
A Sub Treatise on the Light of Eternal Day
At the End of the day
A Thrill of hope
A Tree in the Meadow
A Troubled Earth
Australia Day 2010
Australia Day 2021 (26th January)
Australia, Our Australia 2012
A Vision Glorious
Ave Maria
A Walk Along the Beach
A woman of Substance
A Warrior's Quest
A Welcoming Friend
A World at Peace
Back to the Future
Be as Free as a Tree
Be at peace for God will walk with you and Grant you Peace
Beauty Can Be Found in a Single Teardrop
Be Grateful for every minute of the Day
Behold the Light of God
Being Different is like being a Super Power (Quote from Greta Thunberg)
Beings of Light
Believe in Yourself
Beautiful Friends are more valuable than Silver or Gold
Beyond the Veil
Birds in Flight
Blessings to you my God and King Jehovah
Blest are the Pure in heart
Blossoming Trees with fresh flowers tells us about life
Break Through the Turmoil and Distress
Breathe in the knowing that all is truly well in your life
Build a Life as if it was a work of Art
But lo there breaks a yet more glorious morn
Calm Harmony and Music Deep Within
Can we find a friend so faithful?
Cast away the Dreams of Darkness
Change and decay in all around I see
Change Fear into Faith
Changing Scenes
Chashmal (Hebrew word for Still small voice of calm)
Christ is the Gate and the Door
Christ is the Radiant Sun
Christ is the sure foundation
Christ Our King
Christmas 2018
Christmas Day
Christmas Every Day
Christmas Night
Christmas Wishes 2011
Christ’s Open Tomb
Claim the light and become radiant
Climb your highest Mountain
Co substantial Co- eternal
Compassion is an Underrated Gift
Concentric Circles of love and peace
Concrete Jungles
Conditions Apply
Connectivity and Receptivity
Conversation with God
Convert the darkness into light
Coronavirus – 2020
Cosmic Eternal Significance
Countless Gifts of Love
Creativity is the Variety of Life
Crossing the Rubicon
Crux Probat Omia
Cura Sanitatis Tiberii
Dear Lord and Father
Dear Puss
Dearest Beloved
Dearest Father your Kingdom expands through all time and space
Dearest Mother of Mine
Death came as a consequence of Sin
Deep Love of God
Deep Peace found in the very heart of God
Delectatio Vitrix (The Taste for Victory)
Deliverance he affords to all
Disappointment of Complacency
Dialogue from God to Man on Animal Slaughter
Discendi Amor Santo (Come down O love Divine)
Divine Light
Divine Love in a human heart
Divine love will meet every human need
Does Sadness fill my mind?
Do it now, sometimes later becomes never
Do Not Be Afraid
Do Not Hide Your Light
Do not let life take control of you, you take control of life
Do Something Beautiful for God
Do Something Nice for Someone Today
Do you hold the Key?
Draw Close to God
Dream big and please don’t ever give up
Dream Masters
Dreams are the seedlings of realities
Drop Thy Still Dews of Quietness
Each Day a New Beginning
Each Small Kindness
Earth Changes
Earth, Sea and Sky
Easter Day 2020
Easter Sunday Message - 2013
Effect a Merger with God
Embrace the light of truth
Empires Rise and Fall
Empirical, Lowly and Finite
Endless Day
Epistle Against the Fur Animal’s Demise
Epistle to a Beautiful Lady
Epistle to the recent tensions between USA and Moscow
Esoterikos (Hidden Meaning)
Eternal Gifts of Love
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness
Even when we lose a friendship we will always love that person
Even when you are having a bad day, it can turn out one of your best days
Evening Stars
Ever Faithful, Ever Sure
Every day give thanks to God
Every Day is a Cacophony of Sound
Every day set a goal for your self
Every Inspiration comes from God
Every Morning is a new start and a new opportunity
Every Night and every Day always remember to pray
Everyday is a Gift
Everyone is a Gift from God
Everyone is a Mirror
Everyone keeps me young at heart
Every Day is Olympian Gold
Everything that happens can be a blessing if we focus positively
Evolve, Inspire
Excellence is not a fact but a habit – Aristotle
Experience is Opportunity
Face to Face with God
Face your Demons
Fading Visions
Faith in yourself and Faith in God can bring such wonders and accomplish a lot
Faith is the Assurance of Things Hoped For
Falling in Love
Family, Friends and Strangers
Family Photograhs
Family Squabbles
Father in heaven hear my prayer today
Father like he tends and spares us, well our feeble frame he knows
Father we thank you
Father you gave us everything and we were still not happy
Fear Blocks, Love Heals
Feel the Power
Feel yourself Grow in every new experience
Find purpose in the Midst of challenging times
Finding Abundance
Fiscal Theology
Fill the world with Love
Find purpose in the Midst of challenging times
Flames of Hope
Flexibility is the Success of Life
Flower of the Veil
Focus on the Solution, Not the Problem
Following in the Footsteps of the Apostles
Forgive our Foolish ways
Forgiveness is a bridge to Reconciliation
Forgiveness of Friends
For the Love of the Lord is His Essence
Free yourself from the Past
Freely Given
Friendship Brings the Sun
Friendship is a Flower in Bloom
Friendship with Neighbours
From the Depths of Darkness
From their labours rest
Gaudete in Domino (Rejoice in the Lord)
Genius knows the answer before the question
Gentle as Silence
Give thanks to God every day
Gnothi Seuton (Know Thyself)
God and Technology
God Believes in You
God blesses us every day
God came to Earth and lived and died as a man
God Can Make the Impossible Possible
God Does Not Turn Away Refugees
God gave us everything
God gives me calm and brings me peace
God has given us a wonderful world
God has set me free
God in Three Persons
God Inspired Creativity
God Is Everywhere
God is everywhere present and is through all things
God is Love
God is love and the author of Divine Peace
God is my Guide and my source of Good, my life is in Divine Order
God is Not an Intellectual Pursuit it is Experience
God is not bound by time and space
God Is Not Up There
God is our light and our guide
God is our Umbrella
God is the Author of Tranquillity and Peace
God is the CEO
God is the Inspiration of the Highest Music and Delights Therein
God is the source of all wisdom and joy
God is working his purpose Out
God knows my finite mind and my finite trust therefore I am at peace
God Knows Our Every Sorrow
God on High
God our help
God will provide a way
God's Angels
God’s Compass
God's Creatures
God Sends His Angels
God, you gave us so much beauty
God’s divine gifts will flow in perfect ways
God's Evergreen
God’s Everlasting Kingdom
God's Express Service
God's Footprints can be Found Everywhere
God’s Garden Party
God's Gifts are the People of God
God’s Government
God's Heavenly Creatures
God’s Inspiration
God’s Love is as Wide as the Ocean
God’s Loving Kindness
God’s Marathon
God’s Mercy Knows No Boundaries
God's Mysterious Ways
Gods Olympics
God’s Parliament
God's peace is everywhere
God's Sabbath Rest
God’s Seasons
God’s Special Children (The Animals)
God’s Wonderful Grace
Gracious God
Grant Me Peace
Grateful Praise
Greyhound Racing
Happy Are Those
Happy is the Laughter
Happy New Year 2007
Happy New Year 2015
Happy New Year 2019
Hard times reveal true friends
Harmony can be found in all things through time and space
Harps of Gold
Heal the past and embrace with love and confidence the future
Healing the past unleashes our Future
Hear My Prayer
He Calmed the Sea
He is ever Present
He who Breathes through all Creation
Helping a person in need is a friend Indeed
Helping Others Feel Better
Here am I Lord
Here in the Quiet Everlasting Hills
Her Longing eyes are blessed
He will return
He Wipes the Tear From Every Eye
Highs and Lows
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
His Precious Blood holds the Key
Holy Ground
Hope has healed more diseases than any other medicine
Hope Springs
Home is where your story begins (2019)
Home is where your story begins (2020)
Horse Racing
House of Prayer
How Beautiful Are Thy Feet
How Beautiful You Are
How blessed are they
How can I be a friend today?
How Can I Make Your Day Shine Bright?
How Can We Hear God Above the Noise of a Crowd?
How Easily We Stumble
How Glad Are They
How I miss you and wish you were near
How majestic are you dear Lord and Father
How pleasant are the eternal Courts above
How sad it is that Man has to kill to Eat
How Silently
How Wonderful is our God of Divine Love
How wonderful is our Lord
Human Kindness
Human Love is a Divine Gift from God
Hush little one
I am a Radiant Being of Love
I am filled with complete Love every time I focus on God
I am fully insured in this thing called Life. My benefit is Love
I am one with God. I am one with all life
I am the Architect of my life
I am with you evermore
I Am With You Evermore
I demonstrate the harmony of love through kind thoughts and acts
I do not promote a Religion, I promote a Relationship
I feel at peace
If I could go back in time
If Mum’s were flowers I’d pick you
If we all could be like Beethoven
If you believe it, you can achieve it
If you hang in there long enough Good things will happen
If you Dream big enough – Anything can come true
IL Scriba della gentilezza di Christo (The Scribe of the Kindness of Christ)
Illumination dissolves all material ties
Imitation of Christ
Immortal Mortality
Incurable Hopeful Person
In Depths of Burning Light
In God’s Grace We Find Peace
Information Overload
In humbleness and peace we walk the Divine Path
Inheritors of the Kingdom
In Music and Art We Find Redemption
In Sacrament and Prayer
In Simple trust like theirs who heard
In the beauty of our Vocation we represent God
In the Darkness of the Evening
In the Garden of my Heart
In the Land of light and Love
In Songs of everlasting Praise
In The Stillness of the Evening (with audio)
In this World of Imperfection, things don’t always go right
In the Tender Compassion of Our God
In the warmth of the morning sun
Into the Mind of God
In Trouble and in Joy
Iraq (25 years on)
I rejoice in the love I encounter every day
I Rest in the knowledge that God is my strength
I saw no hope, no sign, no sun, but that was yesterday
It is not about Forgetting, but Forgiving
It’s Christmas Again
It’s not always Black and White
It's not till you lose someone you love, you realize you were in love
It's Okay to be Human
It takes more courage to wait then to act
I will be a man of Peace
I Will Be the Light in the Darkness
Jehovah let your Name ring out through the entire world
Jehovah Reigns
Jehovah walks with me daily
Jesus Calms Our Very Own Storms of Life
Jesus is the Master Worker and the Master Builder
Jesus Lord
Journey into Jerusalem
Journey Into Silence
Joyous People
Just because you can’t see the Miracle does not mean it is not happening
Just the Memory of your Face
Karmic Love
Keep your face in the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow
Kelly my beautiful Dog
Kindness is a language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear (Mark Twain)
Kindness is an Underrated Gift
Kindness knows no boundaries
Kiss from a Rose
Knowledge is Power, Knowledge is Destruction
Koros Ubris Ate
Layers of the Easter Message
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Let not your hearts be troubled
Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you. Everything passes away except God
Let our ordered Lives Confess
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire
Let the Divine light shine within us to reveal the highest blessing
Let the heavens adore the King
Let the inner light shine forth in all our daily tasks and interactions
Let the Magic Happen
Let the World Deride or Pity
Let us like them
Let us see with our inner eye of Understanding
Let your Love last a lifetime
Lex Talionis (An Eye for an Eye)
Life can be breathtaking
Life Has Its Ups and Downs
Life is A Balance
Life is a gift and it is meant to be enjoyed
Life is Beautiful and We are Indeed Blessed
Life is continually moving forward
Life is fleeting and must be lived now
Life is like a book. Some Chapters Sad, Some happy
Life is like a Camera By Andrew Pell
Life is Like A Chess Game
Life is not a distance but a journey (ER)
Light A Candle
Light Bearers
Lighting the Way for Others
Like Earth’s Proud Empires pass away
Like them the meek and lowly on high may dwell with thee
Limitations of Human Wisdom
Listen Observe and Keep the Question
Listen to the Flowers
Listen to the Good Shepherd
Live Animal Exports
Living God, In Christ You Make All Things New
Lo the Lamb so long expected
Look to the Sunrise
Lord I Pray (A Children’s Hymn)
Lord You are a Lantern unto My Feet
Love and Love alone dissolves all negativity
Love chooses with Perfect Sensitivity
Love is eternal
Love Life and it will Love you back
Loved Ones
Love Heals Everything
Love in Abundance
Love is a privilege and sacrifice
Love is like a flower that blooms in spring
Love is Necessary for the Unfoldment of Spiritual Gifts
Love is the Bridge
Love is the Juncture Between Heaven and Earth
Love is the power that binds together the whole human family
Love is truly Divine
Love means never to say you are sorry (ER)
Love the Animals, Enrich Their Lives
Love One Another (John 13:34-35)
Loves Endeavour
Love's Surrender
Loves Triumph
Love Supernal
Love Will Find A Way
Lord my God and my King
Lord with me abide
Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
Man was never made for war.
Magic in the air today
Magical Moonbeams of Love and tears
Magic Moonbeams
Make a Difference
Manifest the happiness that you truly deserve
Mediocrity is the Banality of Life
Memories of Yesterday
Men will make Merchandise of His Grace
Miracles happen all the time
Mobile Phones
Moonbeams that kiss the Sea
Move Away from the Darkness
Moving Forward
Mundane and transcendent
Music is a gift from God
Music to my ears
My Angel My Love
My Beautiful Friends
My Cross
My Daily walk with God
My God and my King
My Healing Prayer
My Life and Being are Sacred (An Affirmation by Jeffon Seely)
My New Year Wishes 2012
My Path to Peace
My Soul is Tranquil and at Peace
My Soul is Starved for Perfection
Mystical Life of Christianity
My Walk with God
My Wish for Today
Narrow Scholasticism
Nature’s Guest
Needs and Wants
Never Despair
Never ending love and peace
Never under estimate the Divine Love and Power of God
Never lose hope, never lose Love
No earthly Father loves like thee
No Tears no bitterness
Nothing can dim the light that shines from Love
Nothing is by Chance
Nothing is Complex
Nullius in Verba (Take nothing in authority) – Motto of the Royal Society
Observable and Measurable
Ode to the Fur Animals
O God Beyond All Time and Space
O King of the Sun’s brightness, who alone has knowledge of our purpose. Please be with us every day and every night
O Lamb of God
O Lord our Help
O Love and Light
O Magnify the Lord with thee
O Still small Voice of Calm
O Sweetest Flower
Once Again Happy New Year
Once you embrace affirmative Prayer and Positive thinking do not be surprised by daily miracles that occur
One United Family of God
On God's Highway - There Are Never Any Road Closures
Only God can create a rose
Only Jesus I will trust
Only through knowing the truth can we acquire the quality of vision that can pierce the veil of illusion!
On Wings of Song – A Love Song
Onward be Daring
Open Wide your heart to give and Receive
Our Creative Endeavours (Gods Gifts)
Our Fleeting Breath
Our Gentle Redeemer
Our God is Too Small
Our Greatest Achievement is to let God help us
Our Innermost Desire
Our Journey in life is a holy one
Our Lady of the Rosary
Our Life is a canvas
Our Life is but an Autumn Sun
Our mind is like a garden, our thoughts are like seeds you either grow flowers or weeds
Our problems are illusions of this material world
Ours is the Sunlight
Outlaw War
Palms of Glory
Paradise Lost
Pathway to God
Patterns of the Past
Peace begins with me
Peace in a Corporate World
Peace on Earth
People are like stained glass windows, all beautiful and unique
People Are Treated So Badly
People stop and stare
Perfect Peace
Perfectly Restored in Thee
Personal Jesus
Play Time
Please drink from the Well of Courage
Poker Machines
Ponder the Treasure that can be Found in your Heart
Portrait of Perfection
Portraits of the Heart
Practicing Gratitude
Prayer and Praising without Ceasing
Prayer is the Hallmark of Our Friendship with God
Prayer is the Key that Unlocks the Mind of God
Pure Unmeasurable, Boundless Free
Purim (The Feast of lots)
Quem Colerem Habet Sapienta
Quid Hoc Ad Aeternitatem (What does it matter in the light of eternity)?
Quiet Time with God
Quo Vadis (Where are you going)
Reach for the Stars
Reap Dividends
Regret verses Success
Rescue us from all our Fears
Reality is the Portrait of Sadness
Rediscovering The Christ
Reflections in the Park
Reflections of Autumn
Regardless of what we do, or who we are, we are on this same journey called Life
Rejoice in the Lord Always
Remembrance Day 2019
Render Evil to No One
Reservoir of Light
Rest of the Weary
Robed in Dreadful Majesty
Room for Renewal
Roses will always bloom in our hearts
Saying Goodbye to a family Pet
Science and Faith can work hand in hand
Secret of Sanctity and Happiness
See the Cloud of fire appear
Seekers of Wisdom
Seize the Day, Trusting as Little as Possible in the Future
Set Yourself Free
She waits the consummation of peace for evermore
Simplicity of the Heart
Simply to the cross I cling
Sing and Dance for Ever and A Day
Slay the Dragon and move forward
Sleep dear one
Slumber now dear one
Someone must have prayed
Something Apart, Something Above
Sonnet to the Beautiful Whales
Sow Faith where there is doubt
Spirit Divine attend our Prayers
Spirit of God
Spiritual Energy
Spirituality without Church
Springing From Eternal Love
St. Francis of Assisi
Starlight Rhythms
Star of Wonder
Star of Wonder (2)
Starry Night
Stat Crux Dum Volvitur Orbis
Stay Centered and in control no matter what
Stay encouraged in times of growing darkness
Step into Love
Step Into the Peace of the Cross
Step Into Your Brilliance
Step outside from all hurt and anxiety
Steps to Christ
Stop giving energy to the things you do not believe in
Stop Time
Stretch forth thy hand (To my friend Tracey)
Success is creating a Mental Balance Sheet in a Methodical Way
Success is never Ending and Failure is never final
Such Cruelty to Animals
Suffering is but a Kiss from Jesus
Sunrise a New Start
Sunrise is the time that you would be able to find out how to help somebody close to you. At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear
Sunset Over the Mountains
Superficiality is like a house of Cards
Supremacy of Love Over Force
Symphonic Sunrise
Take a little plant and water it and watch it grow
Take the Risk of Trusting Yourself
Tears and Fears
Tears of Joy, Tears of Sorrow
Tears of Repentance
Tell a friend today how much you love them
Testis Sum Agnito (I Am Witness to Knowledge)
Thank you Father
Thank you Father for the myriad of your blessings
Thank you my heavenly Father for a lovely day
Thankyou dear Father for everything
That of God is All of Us
"That Old Familiar Hymn"
The Acceleration of Time
The Affordability of Prayer
The Agony in the Garden -  with Audio
The Altruistic Saints
The Ancient of Days
The Angel Called Hope
The Apocalypse or Peace (or Both)
The Apocalyptic Window
The Apostle Paul
The Baptiser
The beauty and wonder of God
The beauty of Architecture
The Beauty of Everything
The Beauty of thy Peace
The beauty of your Soul
The Beginning of Peace
The Best is Yet to Come
The best time for meditation is at Midnight or before Dawn
The Blessings of Friends
The Brilliance of Love and Light
The Buckle Ring
The Bullet Train of Life
The Burning Bush
The Candle Is Lit
The Cathedral of the Soul
The Celestial City
The Celestial Rhythm
The Celestial Symphony
The Chastisement
The Christ Ascendency
The Church is Not Represented by the Beauty of its Architecture
The Church of Light
The Church Victorious
The Church Waits the Consummation of Peace Forevermore
The Circle of Light
The Clarion Call
The Communion of Saints
The Cosmic Christ
The Cosmology of God
The Creation of Eden
The Cross transforms us, God defines us
The Crucifixion
The CrucifixionThe Cup of Christ is a Healing Cup
The Currency of Kindness
The Dance of the Autumn Leaves
The Darkest night
The Darkness Deepens, Lord with me abide
The Darkness had gone the light has come
The Dawn has Secrets to tell you
The Dawn of Enlightenment
The Dawn of Forgiveness
The Day is Now Ending the Darkness Draws Near
The Day of the Lord
The Day moves forward into light
The Dearest and the Best
The Desert of the Heart
The Disposable Age
The Divine Light
The Divine Revelation
The Door
The Easter Message
The Elucidation of Divine Truth
The Eternal God
The Eternal Peace
The Eternal River of Life
The Eternal Source of Light and Love
The Eternity of the Present
The Eucharistic Feast
The Ever Flowing Streams of Life
The Evolutionary Christ
The Exquisite Instrument (The Piano)
The Face of God
The Family Pet
The Family Pet (2)
The Fear of Brilliance
The Feast of Miracles is the Gift of Change
The Feast of Pentecost
The Feast of the Trinity is the Unity of Love
The Fiery Pillar
The fire of the Soul
The Fire that Burns
The First step to healing – Reflections
The Flower of Hiroshima
The Forest of Dreams
The Forgotten Man
The Former things have passed away
The Fountain of Wealth
The Fountain of Youth
The Fragrance of Peace
The Futility of War
The Garden Grew from many who felt with one heart (ER)
The Garden of Eden in a modern Suburban City
The Garden of Life
The Garden of Peace
The Gathering of Friends
The Genie of the Lamp
The Gentleness of God’s Love
The Gift of a New Day
The Gift of Angels
The Gift of Christmas
The Gift of Life
The Gift of Love
The Gift of Mercy
The Gift of Reconciliation
The Gift of Redemption
The Gift of Teaching
The Gift of the New Year
The Gift of the Word will Give Light and Love
The Gifts of God are Manifold
The Gifts of the Giver
The Gifts of the Spirit
The Glorious Kingdom
The Glory of God can be found in all nature
The Golden Country
The Golden Staircase
The Golden Swan
The Gold Ring of Christ
The Good and Bad of falling in Love
The Good Friday Message
The Goodness of Creation
The Gracious calling of the Lord
The Grail Castle
The Grand Final (Not Football again)
“The Great Fugue” Written and Performed by God
The Great Invitation
The great journey of life is letting go
The Great Revelation
The Greatest wealth is good health
The harmonizing love of God
The Healing Pond of God
The Healing Power of a Rose
The Heart That is Gold
The Hologram
"The hour has come, so there is a good purpose that brings me to this hour, this experience"
The hosts of God
The House of a Friend
The House of Hope
THE House of Kindness
The Impeccability of the Word
The importance of having alone time to connect and reflect
The Incarnation of the Light
The Incomprehensible Comprehensible
The Initiate
The intellectualization of God
The Investment of Friends
The Invisible Helpers
The Invisible Presence
The Joy of Giving
The Keeper of the Dawn
The King of Glory passes on his way
The Kindness of God
The Kingdom of God is in Our Heart
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Wedding Banquet
The King of Instruments – The Pipe Organ
The King of Kings
The King of the Universe and Beyond
The Land Eternal
The Land of Light and Love
The Land of Roses
The Lark Ascending
The Light
The Light Has Come
The Light of God
The Lighthouse of God
The Light of Revelation
The Light of the Soul
The Light that Beacons
The Light that Shines in the Darkness
The Limitations of Man
The Little Bird
The Living Faith is Helping Someone in Need
The Lord is my Rock
The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father
The Love of God Consumes All
The Love of  God which passes all understanding
The Luminosity of the Human Spirit
The Luminous / Voluminous works of God
The Magic of God
The Majesty of God
The Magician
The Magic of a Flower
The man of Steel
“The Manifest Universe is the body of God”
The Mask of Christ
The memory of God comes to the quiet mind
The Metaphysical Side of Life
The Miraculous Medal
The Mirror of God
The Mistakes of Man
The Modern Samaritan
The Modern Samaritan (2019)
The Morning Chorus
The Morning of my Life
The Murder of God’s Children
The Music of the Heart
The Music of the Soul
The Nada Doctrine
The Nativity is a Gift of Redemption
The Ocean Voyage
The Open Window
The Other Realm
The Pastoral Sonnet
The Path
The Peaceful Hours
The Peace of a Bloodied Rose
The Peace of God
The Pharaoh’s Heart was hardened
The Philosophers Stone
The Piercing Light of Christ
The Positivity of Creativity
The Possible Dream
The Power of Christ compels us By Andrew Pell
The Power of You
The Power of You
The Power that changes wishful thinking into reality
The Power to Accomplish
The Process of removing obstacles
The Pyramid of God
The Quiet Hours
The Quiet Workings of God
The Radiant Heart
The Radiant Morn
The Reality of God
The Reality of Holiness
The Reality of Peace
The Red Moon
The Restoration of Positive Thinking
The Revelation of God
The Rose of Salvation
There is a Magic in the air
There Is a New Day Dawning
There is no Anxiety Just Alignment with God
There is nothing to Fear but Fear itself
The Rise and Fall of Dictators
The River of Life
The Rock on which I Build
The Roller Coaster of Life
The Rosary
The Sacramentum
The Sacred Heart
The Sacred Quest
The Sacred Rose
The Scroll sealed with Seven Seals
The Seamless Robe
The Sea of Marvels
The Sea of Time
The Season of Winter
The Seasons of the Heart
The Second Coming of Christ
The Secret Cross
The Serenity of God
The Serenity of God Part 2
The Shade a Tree Can Bring on a Summer's Day
The Shadow of the Cross
The Shape of the Cross(with audio)
The Silver Rose
The Simulacrum of the Christ Figure
The Souls Conflict
The Spear of Courage
The Spirit of God
The Spiritual life is a way of walking with God rather than walking alone
The Spring of Eternal Life
The Starlight of God
The Stone of Destiny
The Sun that Shines Through Your Eyes
The Sun Will Shine Tomorrow
The Sweetest hour
The Sword in the Stone
The Symphony of a Garden
The Tarot
The Temple of God
The Temple of Light
The Tender whisper of his calling
The Theology of Love
The Thunderous Voice of God Within
The Time Lord (The Real One)
The Time Machine
The Totality of Possibilities
The Tranquility of the Beach
The Transforming Power of the Cross
The Trinity is Unity and Unity is Love
The Triumph of Love
The Triumph of the Spirit
The Understanding of Ones Self
The Universal Flame
Theurgy (Working with God)
The Value beyond
The Value of Friendship
The Value of Solitude
The Visionary
The voice of Prayer is never silent
The Waterfall
The Water of Life
The Whisper of the Waves
The Will of My Father
The Window of Heaven
The Winged Incandescence
The Wisdom from Above
The Wonderful Power of Dialogue
Their Cry goes up, "How long?"
The World is Full of Friends We Haven't Met
There are many Paths that lead to God
There is a greater truth underlying all circumstances
There is always a bright star shining through the darkness
There is always more in you than you know
There is magic in Love
There will always be tomorrow
They Departed This Life
The Years May Come; the Years May Go, but We Go On Forever
This world is beautiful
Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it
Those who live without love live without God
Thoughts are like Butterflies
Through all the world her watch is keeping
Through all thy Creatures Lord be praised
Through Music People See and Experience God
Through the Daylight, Through the Darkness
Throw the Dice
Thy Kingdom stands and grows forever
Thy praise shall sanctify our rest
Till all our strivings cease
Time Like an Ever Rolling Stream
To be in Love
To heal the sick (To Tracey)
To Love is to Know God
To my dear Mother - Emma Pell In Memoriam
“Today I stand mindfully aware that I am in the heart of the Divine”
To the things you do not believe in stop giving your energy away
Transcend the Mundane
Transcend the Trials
Transform your life
True Holiness is Always Beautiful
True Love is Freedom
Trust the Universe
Truth is powerful because it is of God
Turn back to God it is never too late
Turn despair over to God
Turn your problems into opportunity
Two hearts that beat in Tune
Un Bel Di
Uncertainty Creates Opportunity
Unchanging Love
Uncharted Waters
Unconditional Love and Compassion for All
Under Sorrows Iron Rod
Unity in Diversity
Unlimited Possibilities
Unseen, Intuitive, Perceptions and Thoughts
Valley of wishes
Victorious and Glorious
Vincit Omnia Veritas
VOX OT CRUX CRUCIS (The Power of the Cross)
Walk in the Light
Walk with Jesus
Walk with Me Today, Lord
Walk your own pathway
Was it Yesterday?
Watered by God
We all can Experience Camelot
We are all caught up in the Linear
We all have a Vision
We are all Members of God’s Divine Family
We are but Children Compared to God
We are Flawed, but We Can Raise the Bar
We are human but we walk in the light of God
We are like children to you Jehovah
We are Like Petals from a Rose
We are not alone
We are now in the Winner’s Circle
We are the Face of Christ
We are set adrift without a map
We are Travellers Together
We can all be like Michelangelo and create something beautiful
We can all be like St. Francis
We can create Miracles
We co create our world with intention and purpose
We learn that love grows cold
We Love the word of Life
We make our own Decisions to lead us rather than allowing God to lead us
We may never meet again
We Need a Star Today
We need the ability to discriminate between the eternal and the ephemeral
We Remember Yesterday
We take life for granted
We try to do the impossible
We will rejoice with the Saints in Heaven
Were Not Our Hearts Set On Fire?
What a sad world it would be without God
What Defines Us as Human Beings
What Do We Find Beyond the Veil?
What does the Lord require of me this very day?
What is Christmas?
What is Friendship?
What is Reality?
What is Time?
What We Believe
What we do for God, we do for one another
What we have done yesterday is in the Past Tense, We cannot change what we did yesterday, but we can plan what we need to do tomorrow
What Would I say to a dear friend?
When beauty thrives, love never dies
When Christ will come
When Everything goes wrong
When Friends and loved ones let us down
When Heaven Takes a Peak
When Human hearts are breaking
When life gets you down simply turn around
When love dies, make it live again
When Love has run its Course
When loved ones pass
When Love Has Lost its Smile
When Obstacles come your way
When Relationships fall apart
When the Fears of Life Overtake Us
When Things Get Bleak
When troubles over takes us in Life
When we are feeling sad
When We Are in a Storm, God is There With Us
When we are up to nothing, God is up to something
When we feel God is far away, God is actually walking with us
When we feel down, God will always uplift us
When We Feel Tired
When we least expect it love Returns
When We Lose Sight of Our Own Potential
When we unintentionally hurt our friends
When you are feeling down simply look up
When You Are Near
When you fall in love with someone special
When you lose a friend you love
When you are Right, nobody Remembers, When you are Wrong, nobody forgets (ER)
When Your World was Young
Where are You God?
Where Heaven Meets Earth
Where is God
Where Jesus knelt to share with thee, the silence of Eternity
Where There is Darkness, Dare to be the First Light
While earth rolls onward into light
Whose Goodness never fails
Why Can’t People Live in Love?
Why Does the Nations Conspire?
Why Do you Murder My Children
Why Stand Alone?
Wisdom Is Worth More Than Rubies
Wishing you were here now
With God
With God, nothing is impossible
With God Weakness is a Strength
Without Love, Life has no meaning
Wondering Why
World Peace
Work has become a privilege
Worship Should Create Transcendence
Yet Happy Ones are Holy
You are always there for me
You are love, light, beauty, wonder
You Are Never Really Far Away
You are the Divine energy, when you do the Divine work your energy grows
You are the Sunlight
You cannot destroy what God has blessed
You can See God Everywhere
You deserve to flourish this year
Your Garden
Your hand will always guide us
Your love was true
Your Space and Solitude are not the poison that kills your relationship. It is the antidote
Your Spirit is now waking up and you will be surprised what you can accomplish
Your Word Abides in Me
Your Word is Refreshing as a Waterfall

Music Leadership:

MusicBells of Memory

Bible Study on Music

Chant to the 'Nunc Dimittis'

Christ Our King Most Holy

Improvisation on "Oh Come All Ye Faithful"

Improvisation on the Hymn Tune "Rockingham" - When I survey the wondrous cross

Iraq (25 years on)

Jesu My Crucified

Jesu, to Thy Table Led

Land Eternal

Land Eternal (Version 2)

Let Us with a Gladsome Mind

Magic Moonbeams

O Perfect Love

Rain Drops as Soft as Rose Petals

Softly Now the Light of Day.

Softly Now the Light of Day - Key of F

Sun of my Soul

The Enchanted Playground Sketch

The Lord's Prayer

The Water of Life and Praise Ye the Lord

Three Trumpet Fanfare in C

Where the Light Forever Shineth


The Blinding Light

About the Author:

Andrew PellAndrew Pell is a composer, musician, Poet living in Sydney NSW, Australia.

He has a strong believe in God and firmly believes in the existence of Angels and how they help influence our lives and shape the destiny of the world.

Andrew Pell has been interested in music since he was 8 years old and currently plays on a regular basis in numerous churches around Sydney. His other passion is poetry and he has had several poems published in magazines and selected websites. One of his favourite poems is "The Inner Light" which has been set to music by Internationally renowned Composer Dr. Eric Gross, AM.

Andrew Pell has always been interested in religious debate and helping people through poetry and music.

Please see Andrew's bio here.

Please see Andrew Pell Photos here.

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