A Reply to Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor
By Sam Gold
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from All-Creatures.org

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

A Reply to Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor
By Sam Gold

Neither for freedom nor the bread of heaven
Did I cast aspersions on the stones of bread.
All shall be fed by the appointed leaven.

I hungered yet would not eat at the dread command,
Mocking detachment and the holy bond:
That hunger was freedom and the bread of heaven!

If faith extorted by starvation is not free
And bread freely given will not enslave,
All shall be fed by the appointed leaven.

Nor did I scorn the lowly or the weak,
The palsied, widowed, blind, or meek.
Rather for freedom and the bread of heaven

I fed the five thousand, multiplied loaves,
Prophesied, saved, and unveiled the light.
All shall be fed by the appointed leaven

And famine banished. If starving they are no more
Free than the glutton in his ivory abode,
Lifted to freedom and the bread of heaven
All shall be fed by the appointed leaven.

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