Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Noelene Sanderson: I'm a New Zealander, a retired nurse, having trained at the Princess Margaret and Christchurch Hospitals. Over the years of marriage, and since becoming widowed in 1980, I have nursed people part-time; taken part in the Vegetarian and Anti-Vivisection Societies and Animal Defenders' League in Christchurch; written dozens of letters to the daily and weekly papers - usually regarding our treatment of animals; aspects of religion; social matters and so on, and for a few years, written for a local community newspaper. I have five brothers, one daughter and son-in-law; and a (at this time, 15-year-old) grandson.
Forty-three years ago, at the age of 35, upon reading Rev. John Todd-Ferrier's book, "On Behalf of the Creatures", I realised the terrible injustices inflicted upon the animals, (and also the indignity of humans), in using God's Creatures for food and other indulgent purposes; and so I became a vegetarian, at which an overwhelming feeling for their suffering manifested itself!
I grew up within the Methodist Church - with the Banner: "GOD IS
LOVE", on the front wall in Sunday School. And of course that now has
much more meaning as I see that the spirit of God is within all; and within all life. Perhaps my favourite quotation is, "We are
never apart from God, as we are forever a part of God.." I believe
that every soul has the spark of God's spirit - often lying dormant - (i.e
unexpressed!) - within; and that we are all on a long
journey towards becoming that which God made us to be. The precious,
innocent animals have their own spark - as souls also - and great LOVE
can, (and must) be expressed, between us and them - and our
Father-Mother, GOD.
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Also see our Animal Rights Poetry