Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Holy Father....
I find simple joy
In the song of birds!
I see wondrous beauty
In our Earth Mother!
Thy Spirit glows
In the face of children
It lives in the souls
Of aged peoples,
In the ill and lonely...
It whispers in the
Ears of the dying
And brings peace..
It waits patiently in
Hearts which do harm
For they feel unloved!
Help us forgive!
To be patient...
To think good thoughts
To do good deeds!
Help us to see Christ
In the poor, the lazy
The prisoner and the prostitute..
The face like ours
And the face that is not!
To stop all suffering
Of Human and Creature
With a smile of Love
An embrace of Acceptance;
Pure Love is a Simple Joy
Which accepts a soul
As it finds it
And Loves it for what it is...
A true Creation and Gift
Of God....
(c) M. Linda Steffey 1993
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