Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Take the time in a gentle rain to walk.
There within the rain to God do talk.
Yes let it rain upon you some day.
Let God’s rain your sins wash away.
Yes with God talk a walk in the rain.
Ask of God to wash away the stain.
Ask him to wash away the stain of sin.
Ask him of your heart to live within.
Yes take a walk with God some rainy day.
Ask him to gently wash your sins away.
Take a walk with God asking him to forgive.
Take a walk in the rain and be thankful to live.
Take a walk in the rain and smell the air.
Let God’s rain refresh your soul there.
Yes take a walk in the rain some day.
There let the Lord wash your cares away.
Written March 21, 2010
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