Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
To be in love is a beautiful thing.
Your world is bright and you can hear the birds sing.
Every moment of the day is magical and sublime.
People react differently each with a smile and are kind.
A magical and spiritual attraction like never before.
Our heart and mind opens a golden door.
Our hearts glide through the day and ever upward we soar.
A moment in time when life is perfect and can do no wrong.
Every second of the day is a beautiful love song.
To be in love is one of God’s greatest gifts.
It is not a myth.
Spirituality and humanity joined together.
Open your heart and mind, reach and embrace it today.
Embrace it, seize it today while it is there.
Have the courage if you dare.
God does care and so does the person we love.
In this moment of this world wide virus, embrace the light.
God will break through with all his power and might.
To be in love is a beautiful thing.
Listen again as the birds and angels join in this magical song.
(c) Andrew Pell 27/03/2020
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To heal the sick (To Tracey)
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