Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
When we are faced with heartache and trials.
It is very difficult to even want to smile.
The burdens are great; the heart is sad.
There are issues and situations that make us quite mad.
However, take a moment to step outside the circle of doubt.
To have faith in all that is good carries a lot of clout.
Reassess the situation with clarity of mind.
In that state there will be many solutions that you will find.
Believe in a God that will transform the life flow tide.
In your heart God will always abide.
Trust in God to change the people and the circumstance.
You do not need to visit a psychic that goes into a trance.
Have clarity of mind and steadfast resolve.
The miracle will occur that the issues will dissolve.
The mountainous problem will turn into a minute grain of sand,
Then you will move forward and know that you can.
Life will be different you will be wearing the crown of victory.
All your problems have now been catapulted into history.
© Andrew Pell 11/09/07
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