Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
The Trinity is unity and unity is love.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit are one.
The mystery of God revealed at last.
The confusion and contradiction are past.
The unity sprouts forth in Trinitarian revelation.
Flowing as one not lost on causation.
Each in their own way revealing aspects of the most high,
Bringing forth total love and light so no one needlessly has to die.
The Trinitarian concept of One in Three and Three in One,
Accepting and understanding is the Key.
The Trinity is unity and unity is love.
God illuminates the world from his throne above.
Jesus Christ taught us unconditional love.
The Spirit descends to us like a gentle dove.
The Trinity is unity and unity is love.
© Andrew Pell 01/06/2013
The "Trinity" was one of the first painting to show a greater
understanding of one point perspective in an interior space. The barrel
vault shows the grandeur of Rome. Figures shown are Mary, Saint John and the
petitioners on the lower step.
Birth name: Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone
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