Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
When everything seems to go wrong and we are feeling down.
Life can still be beautiful.
Even in the darkest night, the stars will shine so bright.
Nothing is unsurmountable.
We can climb and get on top of the mental mountain.
When we reach the summit we are refreshed at a beautiful fountain.
Do not give up on life; there are so many blessings to enjoy.
When things sadly go wrong, listen to a beautiful Love song.
The music and a peaceful surrounding will never do you any wrong.
Every day look and see something positive.
Let go of past hurts and learn to forgive.
Be at peace for you are not alone.
God sends his angels to walk with you.
Be at peace for God’s words are always true.
Each day life will start anew.
No longer will you wake up tired and depressed.
If you dig deep within yourself, you will realize that you are truly
Start this moment with a burning desire for Love and life.
Let this very moment set your heart on fire.
Peace and tranquillity will replace all anxiety.
Visualize a beautiful garden on a bright summer’s day.
Allow your youthful spirit to come out and play.
(c) Andrew Pell 19/04/2020
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