Lamb of GodPrayer for the Creatures
Prayers of Compassion from

Prayer for the Creatures...
By Noelene Sanderson

Father-Mother God, You are reflected very clearly in Your Animals, with their deep, quiet peace and joy, loyalty and love.

We are becoming more like that, allowing Your qualities to emerge in us; expressing the true, inner realities.

We are looking upon every creature as a Being especially created to experience life and joy; ( a creature looking to us for an example of behaviour.)

God, we know that Your Energy would be Expressed in:

Sheltering all the Birds of the Air under the gentle, protecting Wing of Your Care;  Drawing all the Creatures of the Field into the shade and warmth and reassurance of Your Beautiful Love; Enveloping all the Fish of the Oceans and Streams with the peace and quiet and refreshment of Your Everlasting Joy;

- And Touching Men’s Hearts, so that all Your Creatures will be released from pain and suffering, to delight in their rightful freedom, peace and beauty as our fellow-beings.

We seek to draw near to the Creatures, in our hearts and minds, to sense that Life which pulses through them from Your Fullness of Life; and to spread over them the love and warmth and hope of our thoughts, prayers  and efforts on their behalf.

The Light and Joy of Your Understanding, Your Compassion, protect Creatures everywhere, by finding it’s reflection in the inner being of mankind, so that we honour them and You, letting that simple, loyal, joyful Love direct our behaviour, towards animals, and towards each other.

We seek to practise, in every situation, every thought: kindness, thoughtful understanding, hope and compassion - working towards and allowing, that free flow of Love through Us; that true Vision, the loveliness of what Should Be, and Will be, as the Kingdom of Peace is brought about on this Earth.

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