Our Lord who art in all creatures
Hallowed be thy name.
May thy kingdoms flourish
And thy will be done
Through feather, fin and hoof.
Surround us each day with bird song and wolf cry
And forgive us our sins against all our relations
As we allow them their place among us.
Lead us not into separation
But deliver us from arrogance.
For theirs is the beauty, the power
And the wisdom
Rising out of the earth to meet us.
© B. Narelle 1996
[email protected]
Author's notes: I wrote this prayer in 1996 when I spoke at the First Annual Conference on Animals and Spirituality at Best Friends Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.
The word Brayer is not a typo. It stems from my devotion to my buru, a donkey named Murray: see ANIMALS AS TEACHERS AND HEALERS to read a small excerpt of my unpublished work LIVING IN VERTICAL TIME, THE TEACHINGS OF MURRAY THE BURU.
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