A Sentience Article from All-Creatures.org

The Same in Every Way That Matters

From Ryan Phillips
Facebook posting, January 4, 2023

Many people feel rage that certain countries eat dogs but then treat pigs and cows worse than we treat our worst criminals. 

cow pig dog

Many claim that God gave animals to us to eat, yet then these same people ignore that would mean that dogs, cats, and horses would fall into that category. And that requires that they believe God would be fine with dog and cat slaughterhouses. Is that compatible with their religious views?

The difference between a cow, a pig, and a dog is only one of the human imagination. To truly look at each for who they truly are, the differences we use to justify treating some as food and others as family are seen to be meaningless and completely without merit. Many people feel rage that certain countries eat dogs but then treat pigs and cows worse than we treat our worst criminals.

And yet when we really think about it, there is no justification other than cultural differences. No where in any bible does it say love dogs but abuse cows and pigs or chickens.

So we get to choose: will we treat all animals with love and kindness or will we arbitrarily treat some kindly and others horribly knowing our only defense is one that cannot be defended.

To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson: Indeed I tremble for the world when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever.

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