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Manejo integral del venado cola blanca
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Dos mundos compartidos: Alejandro y Ciervo
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(Windows Media - 6.2MB)
El hombre y los venados pueden vivir juntos en paz y armon�a,
compartiendo y disfrutando lo que Dios nos ha dado a ambos, dos mundos
diferentes, pero un mismo amor y sensibilidad para compartir el uno con
el otro. (Comentarios)
En los dominios del
Colablanca (Real Player - 7.2MB)
(Windows Media - 6.3MB)
Penetrar en los dominios del venado Cola blanca es una aventura
reservada para las personas que aman la soledad y el silencio de los
bosques y monta�as, que pueden apreciar y disfrutar momentos de absoluta
paz y libertad, que funden su alma y sus corazones con la naturaleza
misma, que son capaces de convivir en armon�a en este maravilloso mundo
con el venado Cola blanca. |
Deer Day:
(Windows Media - 12 MB)
Close Encounter with "Deer": In memory of Gris, a wild doe who
became my beloved friend for 6 years.
(Windows Media - 14 MB)
Deer Refuge, Regua I:
(Windows Media - 9.2 MB) Our
Deer Refuge, Regua II:
(Windows Media - 11 MB)
Two worlds shared: Alejandro and Deer
(Real Player - 6.5MB)
(Windows Media - 6.2 MB)
Man and deer can live together in peace and harmony, sharing and
enjoying what God, through nature has given to both, two different
worlds, but one same love and sensitivity to share with each other. (Comments)
Deer in the wilderness
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(Windows Media - 6.3MB)
Reaching for the Whitetail deer's secret domains may be a reserved
adventure only for the people capable of loving the solitude and silence
of the mountains and woods, and capable to enjoying and appreciating the
exquisite moments of freedom and peace, to fuse their heart and soul
with nature itself, but also, they should be able to share this
wonderful world with the whitetail deer.
Getting Closer to Deer
(Windows Media - 9MB) |
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