I decided to ask some Christian activists, scholars, and theologians — who are concerned with animal ethics — whether they thought the Old Testament had more to say on the subject than the New Testament, and whether they viewed this as a problem.
Frequently, when I read Christian arguments for animal welfare, they
quote from the Old Testament. For instance, they describe the Garden
of Eden as a vegan paradise, which they view as God’s ideal.
Christian anti-speciesists seem to much less often cite the New
Testament, which, of course, focuses on the life and teachings of
As an animal activist operating in a majority-Christian country, I’m
interested in these arguments. If I’m honest, though, I’m also
interested because I’m culturally Christian and there’s a part of me
that wishes there was a more species-inclusive version of
Christianity to be had.
So I decided to ask some Christian activists, scholars, and
theologians — who are concerned with animal ethics — whether they
thought the Old Testament had more to say on the subject than the
New Testament, and whether they viewed this as a problem. Here’s
what they said.
For Christopher Southgate, a professor of Christian theodicy at the
University of Exeter, this was all a non-question. “The NT writers
presume the content of the OT (which they often quote as Scripture,
and sometimes re-interpret),” he said. “So they would not have found
it necessary to supplement OT teaching in most areas.”
Michael Gilmour, who teaches biblical literature at Providence
University College, agreed with Southgate. “Positive statements
about creation and animals we find in Genesis, the Psalms, Jonah,
and elsewhere inform the apostles' worldview,” Gilmour said. “They
knew those texts, and so did most of their readers. They are
presupposed, part of the bedrock on which their religious worldview
Gilmour didn’t, however, concede the New Testament had less to say
about animals than the Old Testament. “They are always there,
between the lines, so to speak,” he said. “We need to consider
whether ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ and other passages like it
refer only to people as is so often supposed. I'm not so sure they
do. If correct, the New Testament has much to contribute to a
specifically Christian animal ethic.”
The president of the Christian Animal Rights Association, Matthew
King, argued the Old Testament talked about nonhuman welfare to a
greater extent. “It is important to remember that the NT only
comprises about 25% of the Bible, whereas the OT comprises around
75%,” he said. “Therefore, the OT is much longer and has more
opportunities to discuss the issue.”
This didn’t concern King. “I believe there is much continuity
between the testaments,” he said. “A prevalent method of bible
interpretation known as premillennial dispensationalism teaches a
strict discontinuity between the testaments. I think that
interpretation is false.”
Grace Kao, a visiting professor at Loyola Marymount University,
struck a familiar note. “The Hebrew Bible covers terrain the NT
assumes,” she said. “The New Testament assumes much of this material
and also contains material and imagery not found in the OT… As a
Christian I believe the whole Bible contains material to teach and
guide us.”
David Clough, a professor at the University of Aberdeen, told me the
same thing, making me wonder if my questions were embarrassingly
ignorant. “Together, the Old Testament and New Testament comprise
the Christian Bible,” he said. “Christians have no reason to be
concerned by the fact that different books within the Bible have
different emphases, in relation to animal welfare or any other
Taking a different approach, the chair of the Christian Vegetarian
Association, Stephen Kaufman, questioned the New Testament’s
accuracy. ”I think Keith Akers in his book Disciples makes a very
compelling case that Jesus was very likely a vegetarian,” Kaufman
said. “Had Jesus' vegetarianism been part of literature canonized as
the New Testament, it would likely have had profound impact on
animal welfare.”
But, ultimately, Kaufman agreed with the point made by everyone I
interviewed. “Given that Christians revere the Hebrew Scriptures,”
he said, “it would not be problematic for me if someone insisted
that the case for animal welfare is stronger in the Hebrew
Scriptures than in the New Testament.”