As a young boy who had watched his father and grandfather coldly and callously pull hooks from the mouths of fish and chop off their heads like they were chopping a carrot, I did not know what to do with my feelings of compassion for the fish except ignore them and stuff them down.
The Revd Tom Harris reflects upon his childhood struggles of having to suppress his compassion towards animals, his eye-opening experience of watching Cowspiracy and how faith informed and supported his vegan journey.
It would be easy to say my Christian faith led me to veganism, but that’s not accurate. It would also be easy to say my faith calls me to be compassionate and compassion led me to veganism.
That would be closer but fails to give credit to the true connection
between my faith, compassion and the commitment to abstain from
consuming any animal products. The most accurate way to describe
that connection begins with compassion. My compassion for living
things led me to the Christian faith and led me to veganism.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.