Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion Article from

A Short History of Animal Advocacy in the Catholic Church

From Elaine Hutchison, MVLCE on
December 2022

The modern definition of advocacy is 'public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.' In the past it had other meanings. In Old French, it was 'the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending,' and in Middle English, the meaning was even more profound—'one who intercedes for another,' and 'protector, champion, patron.'

St. Martin de Porres, 1579-1639, image provided by Elaine Hutchison

The modern definition of advocacy is “public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.” In the past it had other meanings. In Old French, it was “the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending,” and in Middle English, the meaning was even more profound—”one who intercedes for another,” and “protector, champion, patron.”

It’s by this last definition that we’ll find the roots of animal advocacy in the Catholic church. Although the history and contemporary face of the church have no conspicuous belief in animal advocacy, there’s a long history of many individuals within the Church who supported animals—sometimes by sacrificing their lives for them.

Early Animal Activists of the Church

The first Catholic animal activists that we know of may not have been the actual first individuals to act in defense of animals. We know of them only because their acts were recorded and because only certain historical records were preserved through the Dark Ages.

Saint Melangell
Saint Melangell, image provided by Elaine Hutchison

Here are just a few of these early champions of animals—there were many more. Saint Carileff (c. 540) stopped a hunt by protecting a bull from hunters. Saint Melangell (c. 600) saved a hare from a hunter and eventually became the patron saint of rabbits and hares. Saint Godric of Finchal hid a stag from a band of hunters, and Saint Brigid of Ireland gave sanctuary to a wild boar.

Saint Brigid
Saint Brigid of Ireland, image provided by Elaine Hutchison

Other saints, also numerous, are notable for showing mercy to less welcome creatures:

  • Saint Martin de Porres (c. 1579-1639) would not eat animals, nor would he use them for profit or as beasts of burden. He had an unusual compassion for the most despised creatures, believing that mice and rats behaved as scavengers because they were forced to live with so little food.
  • Saint Marianus (d. 473) was a shepherd monk who saved a wild boar from hunters. He also had a special talent in communicating with animals. After hearing him speak, the wolves and bears left pastures where sheep grazed, leaving the herds unharmed.
  • Saint Stephen of Mar Sabe (c. 710-784) extended his care to all creatures, including insects. He would save the worms he found on the ground and transport them to a place where they would be safe.

Saint Francis

Of course, there is the well-known Saint Francis (c. 1181/82-1226). Although some scholars argue that he was not an animal advocate, there are more than a few stories told by his brethren that substantiate his role as a protector of animals.

Saint Francis, image provided by Elaine Hutchison


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE, PARTS 1, 2 and 3


  • The Official Church View in Modern Times
  • Pope Francis and the Future of Catholic Animal Advocacy

Elaine Hutchison is a ghostwriter, author, Main Street Vegan Academy Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator, historian, and lover of the old ways. She lives on a small farm in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains where she serves as staff to her beloved animal family. Elaine’s website, Vegan History, dedicated to the history of Veganism, vegetarianism, and animal advocacy, as well as a podcast, will be launched January 31, 2024, Vegan History day.

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